
Finn Drablos finn.drablos at
Mon Mar 25 19:48:08 AEST 1991

We have a local network with 8 workstations/large computers connected to
the cable, and we are also connected (via a bridge) to a larger network.
Now some of the traffic coming in over the bridge gives a VMS-based
computer problems during file transfer, and we want to find out where
the offending traffic stems from. So I am looking for a tool for looking
at the network traffic, something like tcpdump for sun (we don't have
any suns (!)). It don't need to be very sophisticated, we just want to 
find out if we really need this traffic.


Finn Drablos                 PHONE +47 7 997710       FAX +47 7 997708
MR-Senteret, UNIMED, SINTEF  C=no;P=uninett;O=sintef;G=finn;S=drablos;
N-7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY     MHS(EAN)    : finn.drablos at 
                             EARN/BITNET : drabloes at norunit

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