zbuffering and lrectwrite
Jim Bennett
bennett at sgi.com
Sat Mar 9 04:57:04 AEST 1991
In article <76269 at bu.edu.bu.edu> tjh at bu-pub.bu.edu (Tim Hall) writes:
>I was suprised to find out (through experience) that lrectwrite
>is affected by the zbuffer. That is when zbuffering is turned
>on lrectwrite only paints those pixels have a zvalue less than
>(or greater etc.. depending on zfunction) some threshold value.
Actually, this is unintended behaviour. The original intent of
lrectwrite was to not be affected by zbuffering, although
technically its behaviour is undefined. So on some machines it
does and on others it doesn't.
>Actually I'm so suprised that this is the case I wonder if I did
>somthing to cause this. If this is the normal behavior what is
>the threshold value?
Yes, that is the tricky point, after all there is no Z value
explicitly associated with the lrectwrite. That is why the
behaviour is undefined.
> Anyhow, surrounding the lrectwrite call by
>zbuffer FALSE/TRUE commands produced my desired result.
Yes, and this works on all machines.
>-Tim Hall
>tjh at bu-pub.bu.edu
Jim Bennett (bennett at esd.sgi.com)
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