/etc/hosts and /usr/etc/resolv.conf
Scott R. Presnell
srp at babar.mmwb.ucsf.edu
Sat May 11 13:31:47 AEST 1991
rob at mother.bates.edu (Rob Spellman) writes:
>Should I keep this entry for 'localhost' in my nameserver? It seems
>to be a kludge.
We have a "localhost IN A" record in each of our domains. Seems
like a reasonably klug thing to do.
>Is there some way to tell the workstation to first
>look in /etc/hosts before trying the nameserver?
Yes, at least in 3.3 there is: make an entry in your resolv.conf:
"hostresorder local bind"
(remove the quotes). Check the resolver(4) man page on your system for
details. I can't remember if 3.2 had this keyword or not.
- Scott
Scott Presnell +1 (415) 476-9890
Pharm. Chem., S-926 Internet: srp at cgl.ucsf.edu
University of California UUCP: ...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!srp
San Francisco, CA. 94143-0446 Bitnet: srp at ucsfcgl.bitnet
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