May 1991 Archives by author
Starting: Wed May 1 00:54:54 AEST 1991
Ending: Fri May 31 23:15:35 AEST 1991
Messages: 538
- console getty eats CPU
Alex Woo x6010 227-6 rm 315
- f77 compiler bug
- memory for 4D70/GT
Elizabeth Smith 575-6470
- sgi screen dpi
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Color printing: Tektronix on an iris 4D??
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Color Printers for SGI's
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Color Printers for SGI's
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- psview: how much it offers and why we need TeX viewer??
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- stty/sgtty in IRIX, lpd, and transcript
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- /usr/lib/print/ ?
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Tablet Daemon
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Graphics/Phigs mailing lists?
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- Limited NIS access to master-server
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- Secure Irix?
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- FORMS 1.3
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- Converting FORMS 1.2 to 1.3
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- Converter for Forms 1.2 to Forms 1.3
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- Tuning the buffer cache
Shoshana Abrass
- How to time v3f, etc. (was: n3f v3f timing)
Kurt Akeley
- polymode(PYM_HOLLOW)
Kurt Akeley
- Fast frame buffer animation question
Kurt Akeley
- Opaque patterns
Kurt Akeley
- GL questions to the world
Kurt Akeley
- Help for indent tab
Murakami Akinori
- Help for indent tab
Murakami Akinori
- Autoreboot
Lara Allen
- How to find the local part of a network connection ?
Werner Almesberger
- varargs and -prototype
Micah Altman
- Is there a free NFS that will run on my SGI -> PC?
Tim Anderson
- VGX vs. PI Shading: Dithering
Marc Andreessen
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130? (or older)
Jeff Anton
- C compiler question
David B.Anderson
- C compiler question
David B.Anderson
- Compiler Bug
David B.Anderson
- IRIS 4D/60 Question
Enrico Badella
- new sgi user has queries
Ranjan Bagchi
- new sgi user has queries
Ranjan Bagchi
- Color printing: Tektronix on an iris 4D??
John Baker
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Gordon V. Bancroft
- Distributed GL graphics via high speed networks...
David Banks
- No <stdio.h> ? ... What gives?
Kevin D. Baranski-Walker
- mklv(1M) help on 3.3.1
Kevin D. Baranski-Walker
- Scanner tools (drivers)?
Kevin D. Baranski-Walker
- emacs key bindings?
Bruce Barnett
- Video recording options?
Wes Barris
- Video Creator vs. Video Framer
Wes Barris
- xview on an SGI?
Wes Barris
- Pipes...
Mark Bartelt
- Pipes...
Mark Bartelt
- NFS atime (non-)update
Mark Bartelt
- NFS atime (non-)update
Mark Bartelt
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Mark Bartelt
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Mark Bartelt
- Time for a FAQ list?
Mark Bartelt
- SGI GL matrix performance
Jim Barton
- re-cursing lex
Jim Barton
- 4D4X0 ??
Jim Barton
- Color Printers for SGI's
Forest Baskett
Chuck Bass
- call for digitizers
Steven C. Beck
- Call for digitizers v1.1
Steven C. Beck
- Stereo-Problem
Gavin Bell
- SCSI QIC Tape Woes
Thomas Benedict
- IRIX 4.00 ?
Thomas Benedict
- rrn/mini-inews on SGI
Robert N. Berlinger
- WANTED: xrn and/or tn3270
- Turning the Alt key into a Meta key
David Boles
- C compiler question
David Boles
- edge debugger
David Boles
- .rgb format
David Boles
- Setting up windows on login
David S. Browning
- HELP: gcc on a boat anchor (3130)
Charles Buckley
- move images
Mark Callow
- sgi screen dpi
Mark Callow
- NeWS environment
Mark Callow
- hsbcolor to rgbcolor
Mark Callow
- Moving windows off-screen
Mark Callow
- csh and psh
Mark Callow
- permissions to use lp...
Claude Cantin
- SUMMARY: lp permissions...
Claude Cantin
- Tektroix TeX previewer, shar files, database...
Claude Cantin
- /etc/hosts and /usr/etc/resolv.conf
Dave Carek
- (none)
Randy Carpenter
- cron mail
Randy Carpenter
- Enhanced ftp server ?
Valter Cavecchia
- syslogd (how to redirect messages)
Valter Cavecchia
- Is this a mail bug ?
Dong Chen
- Catching Buss Errors
Frank Chlebana
- logical volumes & striping
Luc Chouinard
- Strange LV driver syslog message ?!?!?
Luc Chouinard
- automount & direct maps
Paul Close
- tcsh for sgi
Paul Close
- tcsh question
Paul Close
- Autoboot?
Dr. Michael M. Cohen
- c++
Gregg A. Cohen
- Don't want to be interrupted
Michael M. Cohen
- quad strips bugs ?
M. J. Cole
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
M. J. Cole
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
M. J. Cole
- Pipes...
Michael Corbett
- C compiler question
Trevor Cotton
- Weird Fortran i/o?
Steve Couturie
- Help needed transforming images.
Sean Culhane
- Help needed with texture mapping images ...
Sean Culhane
- Exabyte Problem
Dave Cunningham
- Mail to Loki Jorgensen - others please ignore
- Help on character fonts
- Is it possible to build X11R4 on a SGI 3130 ?
Tommie Daniel
- Exabyte tape drives
Darrell R. Davis
- Franz Lisp on an SGI platform
Phil Dench
- FAQ: mirror one console on a remote IRIS
Phil Dench
- telnet/rlogin bizarreness
Jim Diamond
- Apologies
Daniel P. Dolata
- Help needed with texture mapping images ...
Bob Drebin
- producing graphics on one Iris produced by another
Ashley Dreier
Alain Dumesny
- Silicon Graphics Warrantees and Service Contracts
Chris Dunlap
- novice trys to set up PI
D. Christopher Dunlap
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
D. Christopher Dunlap
- Setting up windows on login
Zer Dwagon
- Lisp on the multiprocessors
John Edelson
- How to find the local part of a network connection ?
Brendan Eich
- et0: transmit: no carrier messages to console?
Brendan Eich
- Forms 1.2 under IRIX 3.2
Dave Englund
- changing wsh title and wsh icon title
Tony Facca
- Color Printers for SGI's
Stefan Farestam
Sidney Fels
- Any 24-bit image display programs around?
Mike Fitzpatrick
- WANTED: xrn and/or tn3270
Dennis Flanigan
- Would you buy a used system from ... ?
Ronald Florence
- Where can I ftp dump and restore sources?
Stewart Forster
- Elm2.3 Patch 11 Problem
Christopher L. Fouts
- quotas with Sun server?
Vincent Fox
- automount & direct maps
Vincent Fox
- Mailing List
Marc Friedman
- Mailing List
Marc Friedman
- mail problem with SUNS & SGI
Sam Fulcomer
- yp problem
Sam Fulcomer
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Sam Fulcomer
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Sam Fulcomer
- Wanted, A logging ftpd that works under 3.3.2
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- IRIX 4.00 ?
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- NFS and mail
Bob Funchess
- NFS and mail... part two
Bob Funchess
- printing tops output
Bob Funchess
- tn3270, while we're at it
Bob Funchess
Daniel Galuchon
- Experiences with Video Framer/Video Creator ?
Brad Gianulis
- Can I force a swap?
Mike Gigante
- How to time v3f, etc. (was: n3f v3f timing)
Mike Gigante
- shift-click, ctrl-click etc (SUGGESTION)
Mike Gigante
- C compiler bug (optimizer), Irix 3.3.1
Mike Gigante
- C compiler bug (optimizer), Irix 3.3.1
Mike Gigante
- disregard previous message about optimzer error (code error)
Mike Gigante
- Don't want to be interrupted
Mike Gigante
- How do I make a slider in a GL program?
Mike Gigante
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Tom Glinos
- Graphing/spreadsheet applications for the Personal Iris?
Michael Gold
- 4DDN/MH Problem
- Emacs key-binding
Ian Graham
- Weird Fortran i/o?
Ian Graham
- Weird Fortran i/o? Addendum
Ian Graham
- User ID confusion
Scott the Great
- help with IRIX 3.3.1 update!!
Bob Green
- novice trys to setup a PI
Bob Green
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Bob Green
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Bob Green
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Bob Green
- Help needed on volume filling.
Michael A Guttman
- Iris 2400 question
- Free Paint Program for the IRIS available.
Paul Haeberli
- Stereo-Problem
Michel Hafner
- Software/Modeler for Operations Research wanted
Michel Hafner
- Wanted: SW for Operations Research
Michel Hafner
- R2000 stack alignment question
Bent Hagemark
- Tek Phaser PX
David Haight
- Color Printers for SGI's (CLC500 someone?)
David Haight
- /etc/hosts and /usr/etc/resolv.conf
Ivan M. Hajadi
- Graphing/spreadsheet applications for the Personal Iris?
Ivan M. Hajadi
- mode of a window
Tim Hall
- Developers forum proceedings.
Tim Hall
- mklv(1M) help on 3.3.1
Jeff Hanson
- New monthly - Silicon Graphics World
Jeff Hanson
- Erasable Optical Jukebox
Jeff Hanson
- 3xxx's as boat anchors??
Paul H. Hargrove
- Stereo on a PI UPDATE
Lou Harrison
- printing the screen, yet again
Michael G. Hart
- Request for comments on Power C
Cliff Hathaway
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Robin Hayes
- g++ for Irix
Jason Heirtzler
- comp.sci.sgi & info-iris
James Helman
- How do I make a slider in a GL program?
James Helman
- Immediate mode PEX???
James Helman
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
James Helman
- Emacs key-binding
Scott Henry
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Harry Herman
- 4D4X0 ??
Jeremy Higdon
- 4D4X0 ??
Jeremy Higdon
- mklv(1M) help on 3.3.1
Jeremy Higdon
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Jeremy Higdon
- Tuning the buffer cache
Jeremy Higdon
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Jeremy Higdon
- HELP: SGI 4D/360 EXABYTE problem: Command DD
Jeremy Higdon
- logical volumes & striping
David Higgen
- mklv(1M) help on 3.3.1
David Higgen
- Weird Fortran i/o?
David Hinds
- profiling woes, prof has changed???
David Hinds
- GL questions to the world
Rodney Hoinkes
- help with IRIX 3.3.1 update!!
Rob Hooft
- Experiences with Video Framer/Video Creator ?
Jay G. Horowitz
- a nameserver problem
Ian Hoyle
- can't build perl 4.003 (Irix 3.3.1)
Ian Hoyle
- sar information
Tim Hudson
- How do I make a slider in a GL program?
Jeff P. M. Hultquist
- More Dynamic Loading and Stuff.
Jeff P. M. Hultquist
- IRIX PostScript screen dumps
Steven H. Izen
- Pipes...
Paul Jackson
- No subject
Paul Jackson
- 4D/35 to AppleTalk network?
Paul E. Jacoby
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
Paul E. Jacoby
- Graphing/spreadsheet applications for the Personal Iris?
Paul E. Jacoby
- Video recording options?
Nathan F. Janette
- R2000 stack alignment question
Jack Jansen
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Randell Jesup
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Randell Jesup
- How do I make a slider in a GL program?
- EDT Emulators ?
Stan Johnson
- Visual `workspace' tool crashed - File Access Monitor
Dan Johnston
- changing wsh title and wsh icon title
Loki Jorgenson
- Tek Phaser PX
Loki Jorgenson
- stty/sgtty in IRIX
Loki Jorgenson
- more Etherboard problem details
Loki Jorgenson
- memory addressing on a 4D/25
Loki Jorgenson
- wsh/icon (ignore previous)
Loki Jorgenson
- X-window expose event question..
Phil Karlton
- Don't want to be interrupted
Bruce Karsh
- Don't want to be interrupted
Bruce Karsh
- Looking for help with SGI software distribution
Jeff Katcher
- REPEAT: Looking for help with SGI software distribution
Jeff Katcher
- Looking for help with SGI software distribution
Jeff Katcher
- Color printing: Tektronix on an iris 4D??
Sureshbabu Katta
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Marc T. Kaufman
- Mailing List
Chuck Kennedy
- mail list backlog
Chuck Kennedy
- Color printing: Tektronix on an iris 4D??
Michael K. Kibler
- VMS & SGI and terminfo
Tom Kirkman
- novice trys to setup a PI
Tom Kirkman
- /terminfo/v/vt200 ... correction
Tom Kirkman
- terminfo/v/vt200 ... correction
Tom Kirkman
- novice trys to set up PI
Tom Kirkman
- help on software
Tom Kirkman
- PC connectivity -- any happy users of PD packages?
Tom Kirkman
- Problems with UUCP on an SGI box
C. Harald Koch
- 3xxx's as boat anchors??
Al Kossow
- Distributed GL graphics via high speed networks...
William Krauss
- 2D Graphics Package?
- tcsh question
Brad Zoltick - LMO
- (none)
Lance M. Optican - LMO
- nurbssurface
Merkna Chee-Orts - LMO
- nurbssurface
Merkna Chee-Orts - LMO
- RS6000 winopen randomly dies
Steve Lamont
- RS6000 winopen randomly dies
Steve Lamont
- Color Printers for SGI's (CLC500 someone?)
David Lau-Kee
- NURBS description
Michel Lesoinne
- Newsreaders...
Stuart Levy
- Video Creator vs. Video Framer
- disappearing text?
James P. Loan
- Opaque patterns
Allan Christian Long
- ioctl
Allan Christian Long
- ioctl
Allan Christian Long
- ioctl
Allan Christian Long
- ioctl
Allan Christian Long
- ioctl (Problem identified)
Allan Christian Long
- Device Driver for Sony WORM dirve
Robert A. Mack
- novice trys to set up PI
Rainer Malzbender
- Converting iris image files to Utah RLE toolkit format
Srinivas R. Manapragada
- resolv.conf vs. Pixar License Server
Bryan Manske
- Newsreaders...
Bryan Manske
- You could have done that with an Amiga.
Bryan Manske
- edge debugger
ESD Product Marketing
- EDT Emulators ?
David Marks
David Marks
- DIGS in the US
David Marks
John D. McCalpin
- DIGS in the US
John D. McCalpin
- Problem with rn
Don McCormick
- Paintjet Driver
Kevin L McNitt
- ec0 on PI 4D20
Afonso Maria Sanches de Azevedo Mendes
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
John H. Merritt
- tn3270, while we're at it
John H. Merritt
- f77 dumped core. (possible new bug)
John H. Merritt
- wondering when/whether our 3.3.2 will arrive ...
John H. Merritt
- C compiler bug (optimizer), Irix 3.3.1
Mark V. Meuer
- Color Printers for SGI's (CLC500 someone?)
Urs Meyer
- SGI Image File Format
John Michopoulos
- Tek4693 supplies: second sources?
Chris Miller
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Ruth Milner
- sgi to pict?
Ernst P Mucke
- modem trouble
R. Munroe
- Floating point internal format
Mike Muuss
- disappearing text?
Andrew Myers
- Saving window positions
Andrew Myers
David E Nettles
- R2000 stack alignment question
Jeff Kenton OSG/UEG
- finger demon returns no info on my PI.
James Olds
- Exabyte Problem
Dave Olson
- logical volumes & striping
Dave Olson
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI (SOLVED)> [SYNC mode]
Dave Olson
- Scanner tools (drivers)?
Dave Olson
- SCSI QIC Tape Woes
Dave Olson
- Color Printers for SGI's (CLC500 someone?)
Dave Olson
- Device Driver for Sony WORM dirve
Dave Olson
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Dave Olson
- HELP: SGI 4D/360 EXABYTE problem: Command DD
Dave Olson
- memory addressing on a 4D/25
Dave Olson
- Forms 1.2 under IRIX 3.2
Mark Overmars
Mark Overmars
- Converting Forms 1.2 to Forms 1.3
Mark Overmars
- Converting forms 1.2 to forms1.3 again
Mark Overmars
- Forms Newletter 1
Mark Overmars
- Dithering
Mark Overmars
- WingZ
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- Using a PI as a domain name server
Larry Pajakowski
- Using gl from g++ code
Thomas C. Palmer
- Gview
Jai Prakash Pandu
Jai Prakash Pandu
- Fast frame buffer animation question
Jean-Francois Panisset
- Building G++ !! Help !!
Costas Papas
- Moving windows off-screen
Mike Papper
- getdisplaymode and overlays
Mike Papper
- x-windows + startup
Tom Paquin
- Just how fast are these things, anyway?
Tom Paquin
- Motif Window Manager on IRIX 3.3.x systems
Tom Paquin
- (none)
Jong Joon Park
- HELP: gcc on a boat anchor (3130)
Manoj Kumar Patel
- server disk upgrade question
Jim Patterson
- mail problem with SUNS & SGI
Rodian Paul
- UUCP with TCP
Rodian Paul
- More Dynamic Loading and Stuff.
Rodian Paul
- R2000 stack alignment question
Rodian Paul
- stdarg (was R200 stack allignment question)
Rodian Paul
- stty/sgtty in IRIX
Eric A. Pearce
- Xylogics rtelnet under IRIX
Eric A. Pearce
- printer config
Anthony J. Persechini
- Newsreaders...
Anthony J. Persechini
- X terminals, gl terminals
Anthony J. Persechini
- ** Accidently overwrote V.IMP data... Please help ***
Muhammad Pervez
- MOTIF GUI-Builder software (summary, long)
System Admin Mike Peterson
- Makefile whitespace... a neophyte question.
Michael Portuesi
- varargs and -prototype
Scott R. Presnell
- /etc/hosts and /usr/etc/resolv.conf
Scott R. Presnell
- More Dynamic Loading and Stuff.
Scott R. Presnell
- stty/sgtty in IRIX, lpd, and transcript
Scott R. Presnell
- FAQ: mirror one console on a remote IRIS
Alex Woo RAA
- SCSI Disk drives for SGI 4D/340
Michael Schuh RAA
- /kernels/genunix ?
Michael Schuh RAA
- Help for indent tab
- hsbcolor to rgbcolor
Todd J. Raeker
- bash for SGI
Chet Ramey
- Video recording options?
Andy Rapo
- Video Creator uses?
Andy Rapo
- lpr on diskless machines
Jesse Rendleman
- Makefile whitespace... a neophyte question.
John "Jack" Repenning
- IGES documentation
Richard Fernholz, McGill HEP
- shift-click, control-click, and alt-click
Robert Ringrose
- shift-click, control-click, and alt-click
Robert Ringrose
- Forms 1.2 question
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Forms 1.2 under IRIX 3.2
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Forms 1.3
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Second Etherboard on 4D/25 (Help!)
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Roger Rose
- Turning the Alt key into a Meta key
Guido van Rossum
- disc drives
Yuval Roth
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (error) >
Robert Rothe
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Robert Rothe
- disk quotas
Kathy Roy
- A file descriptor for polling the NeWS event queue ?
Andrew V. Royappa
- VGX vs. PI Shading: Dithering
- Previewer Needed for LaTex on SGI
Ahmad Safi
- disappearing text?
Dan Schreiber
- tty problems
Vernon Schryver
- How to find the local part of a network connection ?
Vernon Schryver
- yp problem
Vernon Schryver
- Distributed GL graphics via high speed networks...
Vernon Schryver
- UUCP with TCP
Vernon Schryver
- modem port problems
Vernon Schryver
- ioctl
Vernon Schryver
- t0: transmit: no carrier messages to console?
Vernon Schryver
- modem trouble
Vernon Schryver
- Doing NFS mounts from within C program under IRIX 3.3.1
Vernon Schryver
- tcsh for sgi
Axel Schweiger
- uEmacs Key Bindings on IRIX workstations
Axel Schweiger
- csh and psh
Dave Schweisguth
- gr1_fifo_intr
Rob Sears
- AKCL bindings for SGI Graphics Lib?
David B. Serafini
- Makefile whitespace... a neophyte question.
Martin Serrer
- Ottawa area SGI users group meeting
Martin Serrer
- How do I make a slider in a GL program?
Dan Severance
- X-window expose event question..
Dan Severance
- profiling woes, prof has changed???
Dan Severance
- HELP: SGI 4D/360 EXABYTE problem: Command DD
Jim Shank
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Chris Shaw
- Doing NFS mounts from within C program under IRIX 3.3.1
Moshe Shemesh
- lp question
Peter S. Shenkin
- Thanks and summary: Re: lp question
Peter S. Shenkin
- comp.sci.sgi & info-iris
Peter S. Shenkin
- less pager on SGI machines
Peter S. Shenkin
- Internet usage
Peter S. Shenkin
- 3rd party 4d35 memory!!
Peter S. Shenkin
- Help on upgrading from IRIX 3.2 to 3.3 on a PI
Peter S. Shenkin
- NeWS environment
Peter Silva
- user ID
Peter Silva
- NeWS environment
Peter Silva
- VMS & SGI and terminfo
Bill Silvert
- Setting up nameserver for local network
Bill Silvert
- less pager on SGI machines
Bill Silvert
- Forchek problem solved
Bill Silvert
- novice trys to set up PI
Bill Silvert
- Is this a mail bug?
Bill Silvert
- Vi window size changes
Bill Silvert
- modem port problems
Bill Silvert
- ioctl
Bill Silvert
- psroff for PI
Bill Silvert
- Makefile whitespace... a neophyte question.
Scott Simpers
- Problem with rn
Scott Simpers
- Newsreaders...
Scott Simpers
- hsbcolor to rgbcolor
Robert Skinner
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Robert Smart
- /usr/lib/print/ ?
Steven L. Smith
- 3rd parity PI drives?
Tobish E Smith
- Logical volumes with ESDI/SCSI disk partitions
Prabhakar Somu
- /etc/hosts and /usr/etc/resolv.conf
Rob Spellman
- TeX
Jackie Stallard
- Memory Upgrades
Craig Steinberger
- user ID
Bruce Stewart
- JOVE text editor
Bruce Stewart
- Internet usage
Bruce Stewart
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Bruce Stewart
- Converting iris image files to Utah RLE toolkit format
Bruce Stewart
- Forms 1.3
Roger Nelson - Grad Student
- gdb for iris?
Kartik Subbarao
- What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Archer Sully
- Compiler Bug
Susan Muuss, VLD/ASB
- WANTED: Info on 4D50
Chris Swanson
James Symon
- where to get G++/Gcc
Jit Keong Tan
- Loophole/Caveat of sytem manager
Jit Keong Tan
- Display an image from memory
Sovannary Tan
- Opaque patterns
Gary Tarolli
- Distributed GL graphics via high speed networks...
Gary Tarolli
- File system organization with two disks
Charlie Towne
- Potential data loss due to bug in SunOS 4.1 NFS server
Dana Treadwell
- GL questions to the world
Kevin Tureski
- and routing
Robert_K._Sears at UB.CC.UMICH.EDU
- syslog error
- Setting up windows on login
- comp.sci.sgi & info-iris
- noport/winopen for qreads required ?
- Thanks for your bit map converter.
- mode of a window
- informative error message
- Spaceball integration code needs Eulers...
- dvijep on sgi
- Time for a FAQ list?
- Math mailing lists?
- Seagate disk for SGI 4D/320 ??
Mary Vickerman
- what happened with MULTI mol. dyn. visualisation package?
Peter Vons
- Weird Fortran i/o?
Calvin H. Vu
- f77 compiler bug
Calvin H. Vu
- f77 dumped core. (possible new bug)
Calvin H. Vu
- NeWS environment
Dan Wallach
- GL questions to the world (how to do cool fog)
Dan Wallach
- HELP: SGI 4D/360 EXABYTE problem: Command DD
Harold WarehamTodd
- Setting up windows on login
Rob Warnock
- ioctl
Rob Warnock
- ioctl
Rob Warnock
- ioctl
Rob Warnock
- Turning the Alt key into a Meta key
Jeremy Webber
- IRIX 4.0 ?
Jeff Weinstein
- less pager on SGI machines
Stephen Wheatcraft
- less pager on SGI
Stephen Wheatcraft
- TCL users - bug in "exec" command
Drew R Whitehouse
- resolv.conf vs. Pixar License Server
Tim Wicinski
- EDT Emulators ?
Matthew J. Wicks
- Is this a mail bug?
Matthew J. Wicks
- ppmtoiris - convert PPM files to Imagelib RGB format
Garrett Wollman
- BRUKER NMR binary data -> SGI binary FELIX program
- BRUKER NMR binary data -> SGI binary FELIX program (solved)
- IRIX PostScript screen dumps
- IRIX PostScript screen dumps- SUMMARY
- f77 and forward reference lib searching
- CW font in Documenter's Workbench
- psview: how much it offers and why we need TeX viewer??
- Looking for a trackball interface
Raymond Yee
- producing graphics on one Iris produced by another
Raymond Yee
- IRIX 4.0 ?
Yaron Zabary
- IRIX 4.0 ?
Yaron Zabary
- IRIX 4.0 ?
Yaron Zabary
- Motif Window Manager on IRIX 3.3.x systems
Len Zaifman
- 4D/35 third party memory....
Michael Zeitlin
- dvijep on sgi
T.C. Zhao
- mail problem
Brad J Zoltick
- yp problem
Brad J Zoltick
- tcsh question
Christos S. Zoulas
- help with IRIX 3.3.1 update!!
zyda res acct
- t0: transmit: no carrier messages to console?
mcdonald at
- C<->FORTRAN made easy.
burkhard burow
- tty problems
alan dare
- ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
alan dare
- syslog error
alan dare
- ARC image format
alan dare
- < Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
j chapman flack
- importing QuickModel files into ShowCase ...
barry fowler
- Vital Images address...
randy frank
- Showcase and .sgo files
randy frank
kskelm at
- Color Printers for SGI's
anand kolatkar
- tn3270 and vt100 terminals
anand kolatkar
- emacs with mouse and functions keys
charles lombardo
- edge debugger
charles lombardo
- inof-iris subscription
adams at
- Stereo-Problem
lhary meyer
- Input Focus subscription
colburn at penelope.Oswego.EDU
- Ethernet Communications
david pratt
KJB6 at
- .rgb format (libimage.a: Using The IRIS Image Library)
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Is this a mail bug?
- Customized kernel
jit at
- GenMake 1.1
michael sweet
- GenMake 1.1
michael sweet
- Patches to GenMake 1.1 config script...
michael sweet
- Pipes...
michael sweet
- Piping summary
michael sweet
Last message date:
Fri May 31 23:15:35 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:38:52 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).