more Etherboard problem details
Loki Jorgenson
Thu May 23 08:15:05 AEST 1991
Here is a quick addendum to my previous plea for help....
Part of the problem solved:
It turns out that I was suffering from system incompatibility
problems.... in my mind anyway. I had turned on /etc/nologin to keep
users away from the troubled machine (the gateway) and I didn't realize
that, unlike SUN OS, IRIX also keeps root from remote logging in when
this file is around. So this is also the reason why I can't seem to
rlogin to the 4D/35 which is on the subnet. That aside.....
Part of the problem still unresolved:
I am still having problems getting this Etherboard to perform
properly. No packets for the subnet are passed through. The board
keeps "failing" and being "restarted". The system occaisionally crashes
with kernel faults.
_ _ _ _
Loki Jorgenson / / _ _ _ _ _ \ \ node: loki at Physics.McGill.CA
Grad/Systems Manager /_/_/_/_/ \_\_\_\_\ BITNET: PY29 at MCGILLA
Physics, McGill University \ \ \_\_\_/_/_/ / / fax: (514) 398-3733
Montreal Quebec CANADA \_\_ _/_/ phone: (514) 398-7027
-* Anatomically correct *-
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