Showcase and .sgo files
randy frank
randy at
Wed May 29 06:57:25 AEST 1991
I just rewrote my current object construction programs to output
in the SGO format (actually a filter from my format to SGO). The objects
I generate are triangle lists with normals at each vertex and a color at
each vertex. When I load the objects into Showcase they look fine but
they are not in color. Instead they are all the same base shade of gray
with shading. They print just fine (lp->Mac running A/UX->localtalk printer)
but again no color. Is this a bug? Am I specifing the colors wrong?
Also, on a related topic, I don't see any difference between FLAT, SHADED,
and LIGHTED renditions of the objects. If this is normal, fine, but the
manual seems to imply that this should work...
My hardware: 120GTX running IRIX 3.3.1
Randy Frank, Engineer | (319) 335-6712
University of Iowa, Image Analysis Facility | 73 EMRB
randy at | Iowa City, IA 52242
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