What can you do with an IRIS 3130?
Bruce Stewart
bstewart at bnlux1.bnl.gov
Fri May 17 03:55:30 AEST 1991
In article <1991May16.041205.20522 at mel.dit.csiro.au> smart at manta.mel.dit.csiro.au (Robert Smart) writes:
>We have acquired an old IRIS 3130. Is there anything useful one can
>do with such a thing?
Two packages of free software which run on older Iris models:
Data Visualization Tools for the Silicon Graphics Workstations
from the Princeton University
Interactive Computer Graphics Laboratory
This software was written to enable the graphic
representation of many different kinds of data. It is
intended to help one better understand the data by revealing
patterns and characteristics, both simple and complex, that
may be contained in the data.
This suite of tools is particularly useful for visualizing
two dimensional arrays of data values. That is, any program
or instrument which produces output in the form of a table
of numbers with some number of rows and columns produces
data which can be analyzed by these graphics tools.
Multiple planes of tables can be studied one plane at a time
or by putting several planes on the screen individually but
Available by anonymous ftp to itnsg1.cineca.it;
and interactive software for visualizing trajectories of simple dynamical
sytems in phase space, comes with extensive tutorial exercises
for learning concepts of nonlinear dynamics, available from
bnlux0.bnl.gov (soon from bnlux1.bnl.gov) in ~ftp/pub/chaos.tar.Z.
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