Elm2.3 Patch 11 Problem
Christopher L. Fouts
fouts at teehee.dallas.sgi.com
Fri May 3 09:17:26 AEST 1991
In article <9104231741.AA20550 at rainbow>, marc at rainbow.mitre.org (Marc Friedman) writes:
|> I've just installed Patch Level 11 to my elm2.3 and am
|> having an odd problem. For some strange reason, elm no longer
|> looks at my aliases I've set-up. Consequently, mailing to an
|> alias yields returned mail with the error message saying unknown
|> user.
|> Update Procedure:
|> cd /usr/local/lib/elm2.3
|> patch -p -N < patch10
|> patch -p -N < patch11
|> make
|> make install
|> Does anyone know how to make this work?? I was previously
|> using Patch 9 and everything was working well.
|> Thank you very much in advance.
|> --
|> * Marc Friedman
|> * The Mitre Corporation
|> * 7525 Colshire Drive
|> * McLean, VA 22102
|> * M/S W291
|> * Bus. #: (703) 883-5247
|> * Fax. #: (703) 883-6478
|> * E-mail: marc at mitre.org
|> *********************************************************************
If you're getting your alias feed through NIS (formerly YP), make sure you
link with -lsun. Otherwise, elm will only look at your local aliases (and
password entries, etc.).
Chris Fouts email: fouts at dallas.sgi.com
Systems Engineer vmail: 8714
SGI - Dallas phone: 214-788-4122
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choreography, and the dancers hit each other." - Saturday Night Live
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