Graphing/spreadsheet applications for the Personal Iris?

Michael Gold gold at
Sun May 19 08:22:39 AEST 1991

In article <1991May17.194804.4944 at> pejacoby at (Paul E. Jacoby) writes:
>  On the Macs, we are using Kaleidagraph and/or Excel 2.2a.  The graphs
>  being created are primarily of the XY form.  Is there a good
>  replacement for either or both of these programs on the Iris?

Wingz has been ported to the IRIS-4D Series.  You can order it from your
SGI sales rep, or by calling the SW Express line (same # as the hotline,
(800) 800-4SGI, then press #1 for Catalog Sales).

For the uninitiated, Wingz is a powerful, programmable spreadsheet with
2D and 3D graphics capabilities.

    Michael I. Gold	 	You go your way, I'll go mine,
    Silicon Graphics Inc.	I don't care if we get there on time,
    Internet: gold at	Everybody's searching for something they say,
    Voice: (415) 335-1709	I'll get my kicks on the way...

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