X terminals, gl terminals

Anthony J. Persechini ajp2o at crocus.medicine.rochester.edu
Fri May 31 02:33:30 AEST 1991

I will soon need another terminal for work on the 4D20G I have.
I would ideally like something that can be used for both
dgl and X applications. I would like to find out what kinds
of X terminal/dgl terminals are to be recommended for use
with the 4D. Also, if I set up an X terminal can I connect it
directly to the 4D somehow? The 4D is currently connected to
the ethernet, but I would like to avoid the cost of a second
connection if possible.

I would like to do this for <= $2000, so perhaps I will be limited
to a monochrome X terminal.

I will post a summary to the net.
Anthony Persechini				Dept. of Physiology, Box 642
Assistant Professor				School of Medicine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>				University of Rochester
ajp2o at crocus.medicine.rochester.edu 		Rochester, NY  14642

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