< Connecting Fujitsu M2266SA to SGI SCSI (SOLVED) >
Randell Jesup
jesup at cbmvax.commodore.com
Sat May 25 15:35:22 AEST 1991
In article <5315 at dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov> merritt at climate.UUCP (John H. Merritt) writes:
>The `magic limit' for old SCSI is 2 097 152 blocks. These drives have
>512-byte blocks, so that is 1 073 741 824 bytes. This limit occurs
>because the 6-byte SCSI read and write commands store the block number
>in 21 bits.
The Commodore Amiga scsi drivers for the A590, A2091, and A3000
had the same problem. The next (RRSN) A3000 release (and the current
A3000 developer betas) have the fix for the internal SCSI controller.
There will be a new rom that will be available at some point for A2091 and
A590 HD controllers which fixes the 1gig problem (note: 6.6 roms do NOT fix
the problem).
Seems like most people got caught by this one. Our drivers already
had code for using 10-byte reads/writes if a larger-than-256-block transfer
was requested, so the modification was trivial.
Randell Jesup, Jack-of-quite-a-few-trades, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup at cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com BIX: rjesup
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
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