IRIX PostScript screen dumps- SUMMARY
Fri May 17 00:51:00 AEST 1991
Here is a summary of responses I got to my PostScript screen dump question.
Thanks, John
yates at
From: IN%"rbriber at" 15-MAY-1991 18:14
To: yates at
Subj: PostScript
Check out the tools in /usr/people/4Dgifts/iristools/imgtools. There
should be a version of tops.c which converts .rgb file to postscript
via stdout. Also check /usr/sbin, they may be keeping a version of
tops there also.
| Adios Amebas, | "Sweet dreams are made of this |
| Robert Briber | Who am I to disagree... " |
| NIST 224/B210 | --The Eurythmics |
| Gaithersburg, MD 20899| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-6775 (voice)| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-2128 (fax) | rbriber at nbsenh.bitnet (Bitnet) |
From: IN%"stein-c at" 15-MAY-1991 19:12
How about:
scrsave (or snapshot or whatever) and save to filename.rgb
tops filename.rgb >
And there you have it!
tops is in /usr/sbin and the source is in the 4Dgifts directory.
Craig Steinberger stein-c at
SUNY at Buffalo, Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
From: IN%"johnson at" 15-MAY-1991 22:15
Well, if it's black and white you want, you can use the tops (i.e. convert-
to-ps) function. If it is color postscript you want, there is a good
program tocolps which is on (or I can send it to you if you want).
Huge files in color, of coursee, and they make for pretty crappy images on
a color printer (we have one of the QMS ColorScripts).
For those of you with a color PS printer and GL code to create your pictures,
there is another program, psgl, which can be merged into your program
(provided it does qread()'s, i.e., animation or event queueing in general).
The psgl program allows for a screen save from a GL window in *procedural*
color postscript code. There are still some residual problems, like spheres,
etc., will show their vertices in such circumstances, whereas they are well
blended on the IRIS screen. Still, it's a way to get away from the low
resolution of the bitmap image.
Then, too, IRIX 4.0 promises to have Display PostScript, so maybe it will
soon become even easier to capture screen images.
By the way, you didn't mention the function snapshot, which is also useful
for the screen dumps. Based on scrsav, I believe.
Toodle, BRJ
From: IN%"tohanson at" 16-MAY-1991 08:12
[he provided tocolps.c, available from as indicated in the previous
Jeff Hanson - Scientific Graphics Programmer and Workstation Administrator
NASA Lewis Research Center, MS 86-4, Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Telephone - (216) 433-2284 Fax - (216) 433-2182
tohanson at - ViSC: Better Science Through Pictures
From: IN%"fsfacca at" 16-MAY-1991 08:54
As far as I know, you have to settle for bitmapped PostScript images, which
is pretty poor resolution. SGI supplies the command "tops" in one of its
gift directories. You might have to explicitly ask for it. One of our
researchers wrote "tocps" which converts an rgb file to a Color PostScript
If you want "tocps" you can get it from (it might
be called something else, but it will hopefully be obvious).
[I believe this is the tocolps.c program mentioned above. -jhy]
Tony Facca | fsfacca at | phone: 216-433-8318
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