You could have done that with an Amiga.
Bryan Manske
bryan at
Wed May 22 03:09:49 AEST 1991
The summary line pretty much says it all.
Yesterday, an aquaintance of mine said, "You know, you could have done
that with an Amiga." To which I simply replied, "Yah..." I figured that
it wasn't worth my time to educate the man on the process involved with
creating an animation on the SGI's. What I REALLY WANTED to say was,
"Yes, we could, but we didn't have 75 years to spend on it." Oh, well,
diplomacy reigns...........
But this brought up a mental reverie. My thoughts are as follows:
SGI's are sexy machines. I've heard/seen a number of people knocking SGI's
technical support. But HEY, you want to talk support, lets talk Apple
Computer, Inc. The best way to get support out of Apple is to stick your
finger up their ROMs. That's a fact. Apple only reacts when threatened
(like this particular thread of thought, for example). So, all in all,
SGI's TAC and other support services are FIRST RATE. Yeah, you may dis-
agree, fine. I speak from my own personal experience. (At this point
there is a lot of glowing, gushing SGI intensive slobbering about PI's,
210 GTX's and 320 VGX's. All those at SGI may consider this an
overkill compliment. If there were only one brand of machine in the
world I were allowed to evangelize, it would be SGI's.)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled reality.
So my question to the SGI world is this. Does anyone out there admit to
using an Amiga in, around, near, or in conjunction with your high powered
graphical workstations, and if so, what do you do with it!?!
I realize that the Amiga Video Toaster thing is good for titles, etc.
And this DOES count as a legitimate use because right now that particular
area needs work (Irix 4.0, Portable Compiled Fonts, Waiting, Wanting, 8-) ).
I have taken the time and effort to actually learn the OS and tools, and
the other Amiga specific stuff, and I continue to remain unimpressed.
Someone actually suggested that we get one for our shop, and OBVIOUSLY I'm
to close to the issue to be impartial.
So, what do you do with your Amiga? Mail me, Flame me, Whip me, Beat me,
Make me write bad checks (no, strike that, that's too easy the way it is).
If anyone else is interested, I'll summarize.
Thanks for the Bandwidth.
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