Video Creator vs. Video Framer
Wes Barris
wes at
Tue May 14 00:08:35 AEST 1991
In article <7646 at>, lipman at (Lipman) writes:
> What is the difference between Video Creator and Video Framer
> for real-time and/or frame-by-frame recording? We are currently
> ordering the Video Creator but the Video Framer is cheaper.
Simply put:
Video Creator is a scan converter and animation controller.
Video Framer is a video output device and animation controller.
What does this mean? Well, if you wish to record the entire SGI screen
onto video tape, you need to "scan convert" it down to video resolution.
In this case you can use Video Creator. If you want to record image
files onto video tape and you have the ability to make these image
files at any (more specificely, video) resolution, you can use Video
Video Framer can output NTSC, S-VHS, RGB, Betacam, D1, and D2. Video
Framer produces what is considered "Broadcast Quality" output whereas
Video Creator "is only" able to produce "Industrial Quality" video.
This doesn't necessarily mean you will be able to tell the difference
visually though.
o o o o o o o . . . ________________________________ _____=======_T___
o _____ ||Wes Barris | | wes at |
.][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ |Minnesota Supercomputer Center| |(612) 626-8090 |
>(________|__|_[_________]_|University of Minnesota_______|_|_FAX: 626-1596_|_
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