Forms 1.3
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
Sat May 11 01:47:22 AEST 1991
>From: Roger Nelson - Grad Student <!!rpi!!milton!serval!!rnelson at>
>>By the way, release 1.3 is on its way. (You won't like it. It will require a
>>bit of work from all you FORMS users.)
>>Mark Overmars
>Mark, How about adding a bit-map positioner where selecting a point on
>the bit map would return the X,Y position and or the colour of the point?
>How about a bitmap class that displays an image file rather than a
>bitmap matrix.
As Mark pointed out to me when I asked something similar, he
*has* made the preparations for users to create their own classes
which can subsequently be added to future FORMS versions. Its not so
hard and a cheap way to becom immortalized in software.
_ _ _ _
Loki Jorgenson / / _ _ _ _ _ \ \ node: loki at Physics.McGill.CA
Grad/Systems Manager _/_/_/_/_/ \_\_\_\_\_BITNET: PY29 at MCGILLA
Physics, McGill University \ \ \_\_\_/_/_/ / / fax: (514) 398-3733
Montreal Quebec CANADA \_\_ _/_/ phone: (514) 398-7027
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