attcan!utzoo!henry at uunet.uu.net
attcan!utzoo!henry at uunet.uu.net
Sat May 20 04:49:30 AEST 1989
>Will partial dumps on a live system cause problems other than with
>specific files that are being accessed at the the time of the dump?
Theoretically there is potential for considerable trouble, but it seems to
be quite rare in practice. Policies vary depending on how acceptable some
downtime is and how paranoid the administrators are about having clean
backups. (We belong to the "downtime okay, clean backups vital" faction,
so we never run backups on a live system. But we've had over a decade to
condition our users to accept scheduled downtime for backups.)
Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry at zoo.toronto.edu
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