May 1989 Archives by author
Starting: Tue May 2 02:02:24 AEST 1989
Ending: Wed May 31 14:09:13 AEST 1989
Messages: 893
- SunWrite & SunDraw
Lindsey MS 04396
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Lindsey MS 04396
- SUN SPARCstation 1 vs. DEC 3100
Lindsey MS 04396
- lpr problem
Ran-Chi Huang x1537 dept 302
- HP Paint Jet with Sun?
Scott Dickson 865-0829
- Are fileservers a waste of money
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- ALM-2 board
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- Are fileservers a waste of money
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- VT100 Emulation software
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- How do I ls or du local "/" partition
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- solution for SunView crash and disappearing windows syndrome
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
- SUN3 Color Display blanks...
Frank Abernathy
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Rick Ace
- KSH for OS4.1
Bill Fulton [Sys Admin]
- PicToPic Wanted
Kurt Allen
- mouse driver standards?
Paul Allen
- Ciprico driver
Dinah Anderson
- Ciprico driver
Dinah Anderson
- An ISPF Clone for Unix/Sun Workstations?
Richard G. Anderson
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS 4 (B
Lars Andersson
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS 4
Lars Andersson
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS 4
Lars Andersson
- termcap for wyse-60?
Michael K. Arras
- Backup programs for suns - recommendations?
Jeffery K. Bacon
- Software Support
Fuat C. Baran
- usr/ucb/lpr Out of memory problems with Interleaf
Stan Barber
- R sendmail option
Bruce Barnett
- Sunview questions (a) attr_create_list, and (b)repeating buttons
Bruce Barnett
- two sunview questions
Bruce Barnett
- Mail core dumping?
Michael Baumann
- Quotas on Sun 3 running 4.0.1
The Demented Teddy Bear
- 386i tty drivers?
David Beckemeyer
- Perfmeter / rstatd source code query
Mark Bell
- Perfmeter / rstatd source code query
Mark Bell
- Third party memory wanted for the new 3/80
Mark Benard
- ps stops working when I reconfigure the kernel
Joerg Schilling - H. Berthold AG Berlin
- panic: hat_unload - pmg not kept
Joerg Schilling - H. Berthold AG Berlin
- nfs bug in 3.2, 3.5 (
Brian Berliner
- nfs bug in 3.2, 3.5 (
Brian Berliner
- -intr mount option?
Brian Berliner
- -intr mount option?
Brian Berliner
- SUN GKS 2.1 versus 2.2
Marcel Bernards
- Queuing software?
David E. Bernholdt
- need non-sun scsi tape source
Karl Berry
- need non-sun scsi tape source
Karl Berry
- HELP! SunView crashes on diskless 3/60 running 4.0.1!
Jonathan P. Biggar
- passwd bugs (was Re: Root passwd bug on 386i)
Alan Biocca
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Larry Blair
- Sun-4 severe NFS problem
Larry Blair
- Optimization for caching controllers
Larry Blair
- HASP support for SUNs?
Coleman Blake
- Bug in 3.5 grep
Paul Blumstein
- wanted: unix program to read BRU format tapes.
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Gregory N. Bond
- Cursor key control in TextEdit or...
Kiron Bondale
- KironDraw upgrade
Kiron Bondale
- LaserWriter *NTXII* (was Re: LaserWriter baud follow-up)
David J. Botticello
- Printing from MAC to SUN
David Brainard
- Possible to run in.named and run YP
J. Brewster
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
J. Brewster
- R option to sendmail and artifacts
J. Brewster
- AUI to Thin Ethernet Device
Jon Brewster
- Exabyte Hangs !!!
Alan J. Broder
- Exabyte Hangs (LONG Digest of Responses)
Alan J. Broder
- Request for comments on Cayman GatorBox
Mark Bronson
- panic: vn_rele
Alan M. Brown
- Mathematica for the UK
Nigel Brown
- Mathematica for the UK
Nigel Brown
- SCSI interface consistency question
Liudvikas Bukys
- 3/80 and 4/60 prices
Liudvikas Bukys
- Sun 3rd Party Vendor Query
Ken Burner
- Sun man page macros for use with troff --> pscat --> lpr
Farooq Butt
- Fileserver/Console/SCSI/4.0.3 Questions of the Burning Variety
Farooq Butt
- Root passwd bug on 386i
C.Y. Wong,,,
- Using Sun 3 and Sun 4 machines together
Dale Call
- Root login using rlogin to a 386i
David J. Camp
- lpr uid
David J. Camp
- /var/spool/uucp sticky bit?
David J. Camp
- Anyone have a SparcStation or SunServer?
Larry Campbell
- file I/O performance in 4.0
Mike Caplinger
- Multiple swap areas under SunOS 4.0
Graham J Carpenter
- Sun 7053 Disk Controller with Fujitsu 688 Meg Drive?
Stephen Carr
- Sun 7053 Disk Controller with Fujitsu 688 Meg Drive?
Stephen Carr
- hpcalc tool from sug87 tape?
Eric M. Carroll
- cron, SunOS 4.0, and Daylight Savings Time
Dale Carstensen
- selection_svc
Jeffery Cavallaro
- How to clear CANVAS in sunview
Ellery Chan
- HM monitor to be discontinued
Ellery Chan
- "Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations
Brent Chapman
- Converting to Mach?
Steve Chappelow
- /etc/netgroup usage help
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Eli B. Charne
- VT100 emulation
Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child}
- Severe Eyestrain--SUN Workstation problem
Tom Chmara
- Modem card under DOS problems on 386i
Christopher G. Chute, MD
- Opinions on Solbourne computers wanted
Robert Claeson
- Opinions on Solbourne computers wanted
Robert Claeson
- subframes in SunView 3.2
Robert P. Clark
- 4.0.2 / 4.1
Mike Clarkson
- Sun 3/80 shoebox? serial speed?
Mike Clarkson
- Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Mike Clarkson
- Bug in 4.0.1 rmt
David Classen
- ftp problem
Craig S. Cochran
- Sun 3rd Party Vendor Query
Michael Cohen
- the connector is the network
Dave Collier-Brown
- sun 3/60 rebooting
Dave Collier-Brown
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
David Collier-Brown
- Autobauding tty lines
- Lpr bug/pc-nfs
Lori Corrin
- CAT troff previewer: tseetool?
Carl Crawford
- CAT troff previewer?
Carl Crawford
- text table full message
Matt Crawford
- backup root partitions and Re: making xd1 bootable
Matt Crawford
- 68882's for Sun 3-50's ???
Wayne Cripps
- ANSI-C for SUN-4?
George R. Cross
- does netid always have to be updated (SunOS4.0 yp map)?
Bob Cunningham
- fixing calendar to work with automounted home directories
Bob Cunningham
- Help with 4.3 BSD Ftp command
Mr. Stanley Cup
- NCSA TelTool (vt100 emulator)
Jeffrey M. Currier
- anyone using CDC drives?
Michael S. Czeiszperger
- Exabyte Hangs !!!
- memory expansion for 3/50?
Ned Danieley
- 3/50 memory expansion
Ned Danieley
- Sun buy-back policies?
Gary L Dare
- printer recommendation for small Sun network
Gary L Dare
- New Product Announcements?
Gary L Dare
- Anon FTP sites for SUG tape contents?
Gary L Dare
- Vivid updates for Sun 3?
Gary L Dare
- Difference between TeX previewers?
Gary L Dare
- AT&T 5620 (Teletype 56D) windowing on a Sun?
Gary L Dare
- AT&T 5620 (Teletype 56D) windowing on a Sun?
Gary L Dare
- changes to SCSI drivers from 3.4 to 4.0
Ian Darwin
- sunos 4.0.1 and motd
James B. Davis
- talkd incompatibilities
Dan Davison
- PostScript Previewers for Sunview
Roger Day
- SUN Faculty/Staff sales?
Bob DeBula
- CDC 9720-1230 experience
Owen DeLong
- HPGL on Sun's ??
Jan Debie
- Erasable Optical disk drive for 3/60?
James J Dempsey
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
James J Dempsey
- Raster files to PC conversions?
Rick Dempster
- Tar(1) somtimes hangs 1/4" tape drive
Charlie Dennett
- zs3: silo overflow crashes
Charlie Dennett
- SCSI tape hang problem resolution
Charlie Dennett
- Adding third Sun shoebox to 3/60
Colin Dente
- VT100 Emulation software
Colin Dente
- Ethernet connector on Sun 4/110
Rich Winkel UMC Math Department
- Sunview exit problem
Rich Winkel UMC Math Department
- Disk sequencer errors (etal superfluousness)
S. Holmes [Consulting Detective]
- 2 Ghostscript items
Peter Deutsch
- Monitoring physical memory under Sun OS 4.01?
Ron Diaz
- SMTP problems
Jeff Dickson
- ps stops working when I reconfigure the kernel
Casper H.S. Dik
- lpr loses last part of output
Ian Donaldson
- I need a dbl high VME ctlr for parallel xfer disks?
Webster Dove
- many window system crashes with 3/260CXP
Webster Dove
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Webster Dove
- system(3) in SunOS 4.0 vs. 3.2
Bill Dunlap
- The moving finger writes but X11 ...
Alec Dunn
- New Sun keyboard
Alec Dunn
- YP and resolver on a 386i
Jon Dunn
- SNAP problem on 386i
Jon Dunn
- 386i quotas
Jon Dunn
- dvipage on a 386i
Jon Dunn
- 32MB on new Sparc Server?
Alexander Dupuy
- versatec font editor
Alexander Dupuy
- Sun usable disk SCSI ID's
Alexander Dupuy
- query: new Sun keyboards
Alexander Dupuy
- ftp: bind: can't assign requested address
Alexander Dupuy
- ftp: bind: can't assign requested address
Alexander Dupuy
- Root login using rlogin to a 386i
Alexander Dupuy
- Public Desktop Publisher (or reasonably similar)
Gary D Duzan
- 32MB on new Sparc Server?
Jiri Dvorak
- Subnetting with Sunlink INR
Toerless Eckert
- YPbug: subnets are not resolved
Toerless Eckert
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Jeff Edelheit
- Helios Memory
Jeffrey A. Edelheit
- Replacement for ALM-2?
Harry Edmon
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Winston Edmond
- Are 3/60's worth putting on a service contract?
Alan Edwards
- sun4/a.out.h doesn't define relocation_info et al
Dan Ehrlich
- NTSC output for 386i
Dan Ehrlich
- A disgruntled user poses a question about YP
Daniel R. Ehrlich
- Diskless 3/60 refuses to boot
Daniel R. Ehrlich
- f77 and dynamic memory? + responses to previous questions
Jonathan Eisenhamer
- Are fileservers a waste of money?
Paul Elliott
- X terminals
Leland Ellis
- Sun-4 C compiler...
Jussi Eloranta
- RAM expansion for 3/50?
Alan Epstein
- Sunlink X.25 question
Magnus Eriksson
- Adding a CDC Wren V Disk to a 3/50 or 3/60 under SunOS 3.5
Dwight Ernest
- SUN SPARCstation 1 vs. DEC 3100
Ian Evans
- Optimizer: why hangs with different options than -O
Don Faulkner
- creating file space via mmap
Don Faulkner
- serial ports on SparcStation 1?
Robert Fehr
- Ansi C?
Dave Fetrow
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Ralph Finch
- 4.0.1 crontab - good news and bad
Norm Finn
- Device Driver for digitiser tablet?
Chris Forker
- f77 Optimizer (Summ
Nikolaos Fotis
- Philips B/W monitor loosing horizontal sync
Ray Frank
- problems with simm modules for 3/60
Ray Frank
- Workstation Performance?
Samuel Fuller
- Are fileservers a waste of money
- Finding your tty
Gordon C. Galligher
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Stephen Gildea
- statistical packages?
Steve Giovannetti
- Imagen and 4.0.1 (cras
Brian Glendenning
- Exabyte 8mm tape mangling update
George Goble
- Install GNU emacs 18.52 on a Sun 386 (RoadRun
Pablo Gonzalez
- Help! Sun Gurus: installation problems
Frank Goodman
- Adding third Sun shoebox to 3/60
Neil Gorsuch
- Help with Sun 3/60 + Maxtor XT-8760S
Neil Gorsuch
- Non-Sun SCSI disk drives on a Sun 4/110
Neil Gorsuch
- Errors-To header line problems
Neil Gorsuch
- Sun usable disk SCSI ID's
Neil Gorsuch
- Interleaf printing out-of-memory problem
Kerry Gough
- Printing on Suns from Mac II (using TOPS)
Kerry Gough
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Joe Grace
- HM monitor to be discontinued
Paul Graham
- happy ending? (was Re: HM monitor to be discontinued)
Paul Graham
- San Francisco Product Introduction
Steve Grandi
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Steve Grandi
- Need printcap for ps printer on OS4.0
Ian Gregory
- CDC 9720-1230 Drive (1.2G) : any experience
Dan Grim
- problems with the "at" command
Peter Grina
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
Steve Groom
- Mail core dumping
Thomas Grossi
- SUN SPARCstation 1 vs. DEC 3100
Dirk Grunwald
- SunOs 4.0xx dump(1)
- (lack of) security of client workstations
Paul Gluckauf Haahr
- Too small TCP TTLs
Head UNIX Hacquer
- Graphics Processor and Frame Buffers
Mark Hall
- How do I ls or du local "/" partition?
Bruce Hamilton
- Sun common lisp on Sun 3/50's with 8meg RAM?
Gilbert Harman
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Guy Harris
- Unlimit reset problem on 4/110s?
Guy Harris
- drawing to the root window (hack hack)
Guy Harris
- Israel Zone Info File
Guy Harris
- system(3) in SunOS 4.0 vs. 3.2
Guy Harris
- talkd incompatibilities
Guy Harris
- zs3: silo overflow crashes
Guy Harris
- Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Guy Harris
- creating file space via mmap
Guy Harris
- 32MB on new Sparc Server?
Howard C. Hart
- Shared library problems
Howard C. Hart
- Help for Sun 386i spastic DOS mouse?
Alfred Hartmann
- Suns in the Personal Computer market
Alfred Hartmann
- Multiple swap areas under SunOS 4.0?
Wayne Hathaway
- LWP stuff (
Jordan Hayes
- Driver IOCTL problems
Frank Heath
- Gator Box users?
Frank Heath
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Charles Hedrick
- Upgrade choises for 3/260?
Juha Heinanen
- /dev/zero?
Jason Heirtzler
- Sun-3/400 series I/O?
Jason Heirtzler
- CG5 video quality
Hans Helmonds
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Chuck Henkel
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Caleb Hess
- Help wanted to connect Suns to IBM M/F
Norman Hilton
- mixing 3.3 and 4.X within a local net
Eric Ho
- TeX previewers on the Sun.
Eric Ho
- simms for the Sparcstation-1 & 3/80 ??
Eric Ho
- new keyboards on the 4/110's
Eric Ho
- psfig
Eric Ho
- X11/NeWS.
Eric Ho
- Switching 3/50 RAM expansion (simms) to the 3/80 & 4/60 ??
Eric Ho
- sun servers inflexible ??
Eric Y.W. Ho
- sun servers inflexible ??
Eric Y.W. Ho
- sun servers inflexible ??
Eric Y.W. Ho
- sun servers inflexible ??
Eric Y.W. Ho
- How do I ls or du local "/" partition
Don Hopkins
- Recommend me a LISP or FORTH please
Don Hopkins
- libm in SunOS 4.0
David Hough
- Sun OS 3.5 serving diskless Sun OS 4.0
Robert D. Houk
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
Paul Hudson
- SunView tricks needed: background to a panel
Neil Hunt
- Low level ethernet protocols: Sun to PC.
Neil Hunt
- GIF viewer?
John Hysell
- Serial problems on a Sun 3
Eric H. Herrin II
- Uses for 141MB 514A Shoebox?
Everett F. Batey II
- NAVELEX MTASS-M/L/Integrated
Everett F. Batey II
- Second XYLOGICS in 3/160, not recognized
Everett F. Batey II
- SCSI Interface in the 3/80?
Everett F. Batey II
- Sun User Wash Navy Yard
Everett F. Batey II
- uucp over tcp?
Richard L. Kruse II
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
F. L. Charles Seeger III
- New Sun Ethernet transcievers
F. L. Charles Seeger III
- making xd1 bootable
John Ioannidis
- sunos 4.0.1 and motd
John Ioannidis
- Poor implementation of TCP/IP or RPC on a SUN3/60 running SUNOS-4.0?
Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen
- How to clear CANVAS in sunview
- Printers, modems not working in OS 4
Steve Jay
- Telebit TB+ question
Steve Jay
- Thick vs. thin Ethernet
Steve Jay
- query: new Sun keyboards
Steve Jay
- Ethernet Board for Sun-4/260 - request for information
P. Allen Jensen
- Looking for Driver Software
P. Allen Jensen
- Email interface to Telecom Gold?
Peter Jeremy
- "Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations
Root Boy Jim
- "Lost" /etc/rc* errors
Root Boy Jim
- (lack of) security of client workstations
Root Boy Jim
- Software Support
Mike Jipping
- getwd problems
Eric S. Johnson
- VT100 Emulation software
JQ Johnson
- funny vi happenings
Cecil N. Jones
- dynamic linking on sparc
Dave Jones
- asi == red herring?
Dave Jones
- SCSI Interface in the 3/80?
Alan Judge
- UPS For SUN Server
Ken Juneau
- New sun's and thick ethernet
- 4.3BSD for the Sun?
Brian Kantor
- my commendations for SUN software response.
Omar A. Karim
- my commendations for SUN software response.
Omar A. Karim
- 3/75 power supply / connector to backplane
Karl Kleine -- FZI Karlsruhe
- Severe Eyestrain--SUN Workstation problem
Phil Kaslo
- 3/60 Fans
Kevin Kelleher
- Panic uipc 3
John Kellow
- /etc/netgroup usage help
Kim Kempf
- VERY URGENT!!! SunOs4.0 Client boots
Michael Keyles
- Problems w/ CGI, SunView, and NCAR Graphics application
Mark J. Kilgard
- kermit from SunOS to ethernet
Douglas P. Kingston
- ras to gif program wanted
Russell L Kirkman
- Sunviews "file selector" widget, help!
David Kirkpatrick
- Sysgen SC4000/Emulex MT02
Bob Knight
- Micropolis 1578-15
Bob Knight
- Videotaping from a Sun
- 4.0 man -k not scanning all whatis files
Jim Knutson
- TAPE utils
Jim Knutson
- Unix V.4?
Allan Kobelansky
- sense key(0x4): hardware error, error code (0
-David C. Kovar
- Output from "ac" runs together
David Kovar
- Quotas on the Sun 386i
David C. Kovar
- the connector is the network
Robert L. Krawitz
- use of netgroups in /etc/exports under 4.0.1
Eduardo Krell
- SCSI Interface in the 3/80
Eduardo Krell
- Spreadsheets for Sun
Henry B. J. Krempel
- Backup stragety in a network environment, what tools exist?
David Kuder
- talkd incompatibilities
F. S. Kuhl
- talkd incompatipilities
F. S. Kuhl
- *HELP* needed on device driver
Steve LaSala
- Software request: Linear Programming?
Skip Egdorf at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- New Suns
Mic Lacey
- VT100 Emulation software
Edward L. Lafferty
- cartridge tapes from Mac/IBM?
John Laird
- SunView interface building tool
Michael J. Lamoureux
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Dan Lance
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Daniel R Lance
- R sendmail option
Matt Landau
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Matt Landau
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Henk Langeveld
- Root login using rlogin to a 386i
Pat Lashley
- Wanted: Color Capable Terminal Emulator
Mark Lawrence
- Laser Printer for a Small Network of Suns?
Mark Lawrence
- Sun 3rd Party Vendor Query
Mark Lawrence
- ANNOUNCEMENT: sun-386i mailing list
William LeFebvre
- New Sun-Managers Mailing List!
William LeFebvre
- All things must pass...
William LeFebvre
- Status of the Sun-386i list
William LeFebvre
- Grrr....exports stupidities under 4.0.1
William LeFebvre
- Sun 7053 Disk Controller with Fujitsu 688 Meg Drive
William LeFebvre
- writing daemons under SunOS 4.0
Mikel Lechner
- looking for spreadsheet program
Jesse Lee
- PC NFS 3.0, broadcast pings, and DEC LanBridge 100s [+ FIX]
Casey Leedom
- PROBLEM(Sun PC NFS 3.0; broadcast pings; DEC LanBridge 100s) + FIX
Casey Leedom
- termcap problem on a Sun 3
Casey Leedom
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Casey Leedom
- memory expansion for 3/50?
Casey Leedom
- extra memory for sun-3e?
Simon Leong
- automatic logout from a server's console after a set period of time
Lewis Levine
- atrun problem
Svante Lindahl
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Svante Lindahl
- SPARC architecture note: trap instruction implementation
Mark Linimon
- Set-uid shell scripts (Don't do it + apology)
Maarten Litmaath
- rhosts files vs. OS 3.4
Glenn Little
- Hitachi DK815 loses tracks 0 and 1 when reinstalling drive
Dan Lorenzini
- sun drops OCLI?
Mark Lottor
- sun os bug in semop() handling
- need help on pixwin
Shih-Lien Lu
- Graphics Characters under CURSES?
Luan Luu
- Software Recommendation (COBOL) for Sun 4
Wayne J. Lyle
- Software Recommendation (COBOL) for Sun 4
Wayne J. Lyle
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
Keith Bierman - SPD Languages Marketing -- MTS
- question on panic message
Tom Ma
- Running out of swap space
Raghu Machiraju
- Changing interrupt priority of ALM-2 board
Mike Maciolek
- Help with Newbury Drives - Desperate
Dave Mack
- what is the delay
Dave Mack
- Simula
Ole Lehrmann Madsen
- XView porting?
Carl Maib
- Rasterfile --> PostScript
Bryan Mandel
- Asynchronous Parity on Sun 4/3xx and 4/280 upgrade
Ken Mandelberg
- FAX for Sun Network?
Ken Mandelberg
- 3.5, 4.0{,.1} join bug
Ken Manheimer
- 4.0{,.1{,+}} ypbind subnet-sensitive bug - report and fix
Ken Manheimer
- Missing keyboard at boot time?
Patel Maqbool
- status of mmaps?
Benson Margulies
- gnu emacs 1, sun sendmail 0
Benson Margulies
- running current sendmail?
Benson Margulies
- CTS/RTS under 4.0.1
Benson Margulies
- MH, sunos 4.0.1, gnu emacs, and sendmail
Benson Margulies
- Don't use OR in in 4.0.1
Benson I. Margulies
- libm for 68881 and Sun fpa is incredibly slow
David L. Markowitz
- Bug in 4.0.1 rmt
David L. Markowitz
- Suns in the Personal Computer market
David L. Markowitz
- HM monitor to be discontinued
David L. Markowitz
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
David L. Markowitz
- 68882 in Sun 3/60?
David L. Markowitz
- Software support? Who needs it. (was Re: END of file test in F77)
David L. Markowitz
- Searching for a Hypertext system for Sun 3/60
Manuela Marques
- Non-disclosure
Robert Marti
- using gets/printf in sunview
- using gets/printf in sunview
- 386i Interrupt Latency for Unix and Dos
Paul Evan Matz
- New cron problem
Paul Evan Matz
- Telebit TB+ question
Frank Mayhar
- CDC 9720-1230 Drive (1.2G) : any experience?
Todd McAnally
- Problems: backups across ethernet
Neil McCulloch
- Need a RAM disk driver
Robert McGraw
- DUMPS with DUMP?
Robert McGraw
- rlogin trouble: Chars translated into ^D
Rob McMahon
- want to hook up 2nd shoebox to 3/60
Keith McNeill
- Escape sequence for Audible Bell volume?
Sandeep Mehta
- repaint problem for (genuine) subwindows
Sandeep Mehta
- Sunview news reader
Sandeep Mehta
- Simula
Larry Mellon
- Microsecond clock for Sun 3/50 and 3/60 available
Steve Melvin
- News in the Sun
Jim Meritt
- databases?
De Clarke Sys Mgr
- Help with prof
Bill Michaelson
- Networking problems in unusual configuration
Joe Michel-Angelo
- Securing the Server
Joe Michel-Angelo
- the connector is the network
Joe Michel-Angelo
- Sun DBMS availaility list (L
Joe Michel-Angelo
- Sun product availability list (L
Joe Michel-Angelo
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS
Margaret Mikulska
- elm 2.2 is now available
J. Philip Miller
- Prices Sun vs Dec
J. Philip Miller
- Wildcards in /etc/exports
Steve Miller
- Severe Eyestrain--SUN Workstation problem
Steven M. Miller
- SCSI interface consistency question
Brook Milligan
- Sendmail Mailer Invocation problem
Gary Mills
- 3-d plotting packages
Ruth Milner
- ftp: bind: can't assign requested address
Ruth Milner
- Anyone using erasable CD's?
David W. Minnich
- ftp login process?
- Sun 7053 Disk Controller with Fujitsu 688 Meg Drive
Jim Mooney
- Slow service results -- what do we do ??
Evan Moore
- HM monitor to be discontinued
Doug Moran
- Sun Education Additional Classes
Susan Morin
- Sun Education July to December 1989 Schedule
Susan Morin
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Joe Morton
- Quotas on Sun 3 running 4.0.1
Dieter Muller
- sunwrite
Monty Mullig
- rsize, wsize bench marks
Monty Mullig
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Monty Mullig
- An ISPF Clone for Unix/Sun Workstations
Monty Mullig
- yppasswd
Monty Mullig
- Recommend me a LISP or FORTH please
Jeffrey Mulligan
- How to catch display blanking interval?
Jeffrey Mulligan
- Keyboard input on Sun-2?
Dan Muntz
- Delivery Problems with Sun
John A. Murphy
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
John A. Murphy
- Sun 7053 Disk Controller with Fujitsu 688 Meg Drive?
John A. Murphy
- Quotas on Sun 3 and 4 running 4.0.1
John A. Murphy
- SunLink DNA to VAX problem
Bill Murray
- Problem with LUCID Common Lisp
Chet Murthy
- New Frame Users Mailing Group
- SunView news reader
Chuck Musciano
- How to create custom panel items in suntools?
Chuck Musciano
- Mapping keys in SunView
Chuck Musciano
- LaserWriter *NTXII*
Chuck Musciano
- SunView tricks needed: background to a panel
Chuck Musciano
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Chuck Musciano
- Accidental RM
- sun 4.0 multiple swap partitions
George Nassiopoulos
- sun 4.0 multiple swap partitions
George Nassiopoulos
- sun 4.0 multiple swap partitions
George Nassiopoulos
- PS Filter for troff(1)
Martin Neath
- Modem line help
Rich Neitzel
- R option to sendmail and artifacts
Beau James {Manager - SW Development - Ultra Networks}
- Sun Observer address?
John Neubert
- Info on new machines
John Neubert
- hp-laserjet drivers for SUN Workstations
Sheldon E. Newhouse
- hp-laserjet drivers for SUN Workstations
Sheldon E. Newhouse
- Sun 386i ethernet problems, ypbind
K. Glen Newton
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Chien Nguyen
- Sun type-4 keyboard offends
Christoph North-Keys
- Sun type-4 keyboard offends
Christoph North-Keys
- Newest version of FIG?
Greg Nowak
- Newest version of FIG?
Greg Nowak
- Ethernet address of second board on Sun
Steve Nuchia
- rts/cts flow control?
R. James Nusbaum
- Request for comments on Cayman GatorBox
Jeremy Nussbaum
- Gator Box users?
Jeremy Nussbaum
- Ciprico SCSI/Exabyte problems with ALM-2 on Sun 4/280 under SunOS 4.0.1
Mike O'Dell
- TAPE utils?
Paul O'Neill
- color screendumps to LaserWriter II
Paul O'Neill
- 4.0 man -k not scanning all whatis files
Paul O'Neill
- booting an alternate SCSI disk
Paul V. O'Neill
- Problem with SunView tools trapping ^Z
Kurt Olender
- Thanks for help with 8760S
Tom Olin
- Is it possible to overview color X?
Tom Olin
- sunos 4.0.1 and motd
Neil Ostroff
- APUNIX Exabyte Tape systems
Neil Ostroff
- Printcap for Epson LQ1500
- Sun 4s - good for development - poor for production?
Timothy H Panton.
- Sun 4s - good for development - poor for production?
Timothy H Panton.
- 9600+ baud performance on 4.0
Dave Pare
- /usr/ucb/lpr Out of Memory
Graham D. Parrington
- New sun?
Andrew Patrick
- su(1) bug
Eric C. Pearce
- SunView: Disappearing Windows
Robert Perlberg
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Robert Perlberg
- Odd with axis?
Lehtinen Pertti
- getwd problems
Lehtinen Pertti
- Second XYLOGICS in 3/160, not recognized
Lehtinen Pertti
- Subnetting with Sunlink INR?
Frank W. Peters
- Laser Printer for a Small Network of Suns?
Frank W. Peters
- Hypertext on Suns?
Dominique Petitpierre
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
Ian Phillipps
- Grrr....exports stupidities under 4.0.1
Bob Mende Pie
- Grrr....exports stupidities under 4.0.1
Bob Mende Pie
- COBOL compiler for SunOS?
Keith Pilotti
- Problem with telnet on Sun4/280 OS4.0
David Pipes
- Problem with telnet on Sun4/280 OS4.0
David Pipes
- need auto-logout program and info about tcsh
George A. Planansky
- need auto-logout program and info about tcsh
George A. Planansky
- 68881/Mcrt1.o problems with setitimer()
John D. Polstra
- PC-NFS 2.0 vs. SunOS 4.0.1
John D. Polstra
- KSH for OS4.1 ?
George Pontis
- making xd1 bootable?
Brian H. Powell
- sun - Vax
Jim Pritchett
- Helios Memory Upgrades
Dave Probert
- SPARC and alternate address spaces
Ed Prosser
- Hi-Resolution Color Monitors?
Walter Quay
- Floating-point bench tests
- Questions about sendmail and name servers
- Cobol!
- "Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations
Mike Raffety
- "Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations
Mike Raffety
- any way to show mode in sun vi
Mike Raffety
- more disk buffers under 3.x?
Jim Ramsey
- nd retries / disk saturation
Jim Ramsey
- New release of calentool
Bill Randle
- Macintosh emulator for the SUN3
Anton Rang
- software integrity
Marcus J. Ranum
- Lint ignores void * in 4.0 ?
Marcus J. Ranum
- Success with postscript previewer?
Timothy Reed
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Brian Reitz
- Run length rasters?
David Riches
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Carl Rigney
- 451+7053=hang? help!
Carl Rigney
Carl Rigney
- Exabyte tape subsystems and dirty heads
Phil Ritzenthaler
- No encryption on Non-US vi
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- 3-D geometry/graphing software... where?
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- SunOS 3.5 /etc/exports
George Robbins
- New Calentool?
Doug Roberts
- When is a 3-1/2" 'bar' floppy full?
Glenn Roberts
- dumping to 600' tape
Glenn Roberts
- VT100 tools available for Suns
Glenn Roberts
- SCSI Interface in the 3/80
Glenn Roberts
- Arrow keys and Type 4 keyboard
Glenn Roberts
- SCSI Interface in the 3/80
Glenn Roberts
- sendmail 4.0 without -f picks return path user at random
Rob Robertson
- TN3270
Bruce L. Rosen
- chesstool for 4.0
Ken Rossman
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only?
Jim Rudolf
- Printing on Suns from Mac II (using TOPS)
Steve Rumsby
- tcsh for Sun3/SunOS4.0?
Tim Russell
- ftp: bind: can't assign requested address
Ruth Milner, Systems Manager x2746
- Fix my monitor, please
Ray Ryan
- Serial port console?
Ray Ryan
- Login problem on modem line
Patel M S
- TeX previewer for Sun/3?
Dominick Samperi
- Incompatability from OS3 to OS4 ??
Paul Sanders
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Todd Sandor
- OS 4.0 pascal problems
Todd Sandor
- OS 4 doesn't match documentation
Todd Sandor
- mm macro package
Evan Schaffer
- prolog interface to database
Evan Schaffer
- Spooling Postscript Files
Gary Schaps
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
Joerg Schilling
- 260 crashing with Error message Panic: sleep
Joerg Schilling
- NEW PRODUCT: scsi-P port expander
Axel Schlueter
- NEW PRODUCT: scsi-P port expander
Axel Schlueter
- Delivery Problems with Sun
Chris Schmandt
- Parallel ports and printers for SUNs?
John C Schultz
- sunlink 3270 problems
Michael Schunk
- Public Domain Plotting Packages
Scott Schwartz
- Software support? Who needs it. (was Re: END of file test in F77)
Scott Schwartz
- Exabyte compatibility?
Michael Scott
- ftp problem
Sid Shapiro
- Compile KSH on SUN 3/60?
- Emulex MD21 vs. Adaptec ACB4000
Barry Shein
- Tape drive securiry
Barry Shein
- sun 3/60 rebooting
Barry Shein
- Problem with LUCID Common Lisp
Barry Shein
- adding a ESDI disk drive to a SUN 4/260
Aritomo Shinozaki
- adding a ESDI disk drive to a SUN 4/260
Aritomo Shinozaki
- mouse motion scaling factors
Ze'ev "Steed" Shtadler
- Israel Zone Info File
Ephraim Silverberg
- Tape drive securiry
Steve Simmons
- Swap Disk for Sun 3/50
Steve Simmons
- Scheme language on Sun 4 ?
Stephen G. Simpson
- Scheme language on Sun 4 ?
Stephen G. Simpson
- tn3270 under Sunview, anywhere?
Indra Singhal
- Obscure SunOS bug
Aaron Sloman
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Aaron Sloman
- Ansii C?
James T. Smith
- dumping to 600' tape
Joe Smith
- sun bug 1008635: hardware? software? fixed?
Kirk Smith
- Pgms that use NIT(4P) on Sun 3s?
Randy Smith
- Sun manual labels available
Randy Smith
- Connecting CDC Saber disk
Randy Smith
- Explicit Refreshing of a SunView screen
Ray Smith
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Roy Smith
- 32MB on new Sparc Server?
Roy Smith
- Suns in the Personal Computer market
Steven Smith
- pty, tty, and serial IO
Timothy H Smith
- SunView tricks needed: background to a panel
Mike Smithwick
- Cheap Sparcstations. . .
Mike Smithwick
- Wanted: Molecular Graphing Package (for Suns)
Nick Socci
- CDC 9720-1230 experience - really 7053
Henry Spencer
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
C. E. "Bud" Spurgeon
- Organisation-wide uids
Ron Stanonik
- share with automount, sunos4.0.1
Ron Stanonik
- R option to sendmail, again
Ron Stanonik
- AUTOMOUNT_FIXNAMES environment variable
Ron Stanonik
- automount and symbolic links
Ron Stanonik
- -intr mount option?
Ron Stanonik
- R option to sendmail and artifacts
Ron Stanonik
- sunos 4.0.1 and motd
Ron Stanonik
- Man report of sa field labelling
Robert J. Stanton
- Networking problems in unusual configuration
Hans van Staveren
- Secure NFS
Hans van Staveren
- NIT sockets: how do you write to 'em?
Jeff Stearns
- lpr loses last part of output
Jeff Stearns
- Strange behavior between syslogd and sendmail
Jeff Stearns
- Printers, modems not working in OS 4
Jeff Stearns
- rts/cts flow control
Jeff Stearns
- Dataproducts Parallel Printer Problems
W. Gregg Stefancik
- Debugging child processes
Chris Sterritt
- New DEC motto...
Arthur Stine
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Celeste C. Stokely
- Thick vs. thin Ethernet
Celeste C. Stokely
- NFS on the SUN?
Carol Sullivan
- Looking for less
Jeff Sullivan
- repeater problems
Chuck Kollars - Sun ECD Marketing Support
- The newest /etc/termcap file available?
Paul A. Sustman
- 3rd party compilers for Sun-3
Bob Sutterfield
- Serial Port Communication with 386i: kermit
Bob Sutterfield
- Problems: backups across ethernet
Bob Sutterfield
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
Bob Sutterfield
- HM monitor to be discontinued
Bob Sutterfield
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Bob Sutterfield
- (lack of) security of client workstations
Bob Sutterfield
- Are fileservers a waste of money
Bob Sutterfield
- HM monitor to be discontinued
Bob Sutterfield
- dimples
Bob Sutterfield
- usr/ucb/lpr Out of memory problems with Interleaf
John Sutton
- sunos 4.0.1 and motd
Eric Swenson
- network modelling tools?
Larry Swift
- SUN SPARCstation 1 vs. DEC 3100
USENET News System
- PostScript within Tex/LaTex (dvi2ps help)?
zifrony at TAURUS.BITNET
- Followup to reg at lti's "bizarre situation"
David Talmage
- disabling L1-a
David Talmage
- Possible to run in.named and run YP
Jon A. Tankersley
- usr/ucb/lpr Out of memory problems with Interleaf
Jon A. Tankersley
- Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Jon A. Tankersley
- Strange behavior between syslogd and sendmail
Jon A. Tankersley
- Fortran 1.2
Jon A. Tankersley
- Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Jon A. Tankersley
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS
Jon A. Tankersley
- f77 and dynamic memory? + responses to previous questions
Jon A. Tankersley
- Upgrading 3/280S --> 3/480S?
Jon A. Tankersley
- Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Jon A. Tankersley
- YPbug: subnets are not resolved
Jon A. Tankersley
- WANTED: public domain biblio. DB system
Nicholas Tarnoff
- 3rd Party Memory Expansions for 3/50?
John Tebbutt
- Accton(8) fails on Sun 386i
Derek E. Terveer
- detecting rlogin and TERM types?
Derek E. Terveer
- memory usage overflowing accounting structure
Derek E. Terveer
- CDC 9720-1230 experience - really 7053
Joseph Thomas
- Mathematics Library for Sun Workstations--Marketing Survey
Kevin W. Thompson
- XView Information?
Michael Thompson
- talking to an ethernet interface on a SUN 3/50 or 3/60 under OS3.5
Mike Thompson
- Adding serial ports to a 386i?
Bill Thorson
- Serial ports on 386i?
Bill Thorson
- 'wrong pmg' error - SUMMARY (l
Carlo Tiana
- Anyone using a Solbourne 4/8xx ?
Mark Tinguely
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Richard Tobin
- SCSI adapter rumor
Bennett Todd
- NTSC output from Suns and other hi-res workstation monitors (L
Bob Tomlinson
- help needed with Sunview Application
S. Triantafyllopoulos
- Strength reduction in Sun C compiler
Jugruti Trivedi
- Exabyte vs Optical?
Jonathan D. Trudel
- 1K (and 2K) sector sizes on BSD fast filesystem ?
Dan Ts'o
- help needed for X-Y plotter under Sunview
Paul Turner
- 'bar(1)' misdocumented in 4.0.1???
Steve Tynor
- 'bar(1)' misdocumented in 4.0.1???
Steve Tynor
- Dbxtool <-> dbx?
Jayen Vaghani
- Sun4 Tracer
- I need a sun to IBM 16Mb/sec token ring net card
Jason Venner
- How can I tell what floating point method a binary uses?
Jason Venner
- sun3/70 68881 question
Jason Venner
- SunView Windows and a tty?
Larry W. Virden
- Sun 3/80 shoebox? serial speed?
Bill Voss
- NCSA TelTool (won't compile)
Tim Voss
- Shared library problems
Robert de Vries
- AT&T 5620 (Teletype 56D) windowing on a Sun?
Lee Vrieze
- what is the 'approved' method of adding menus to an application under sunview
Fred Walter
- Slow Textmode with PC/NFS?
Martin Walter
- new Sun type-4 keyboards
Dan Warburton
- Looking for Lighting Simulation packages
Greg Ward
- Basic C bug
Michael J. Wargo
- Upgrading 3/280S --> 3/480S?
Stephan Wasserroth
- Swap Disk for Sun 3/50
Jeremy Webber
- solution: Wren III HH on 3/50 gets SCSI bus failure every 2-3 days
Jeff Weber
- Swap Disk for Sun 3/50
Jeff Weber
- High-resolution clock for metering on Sun 3's available?
Dan Weinreb
- SunView vs. Lightweight Processes
Scott Weitzenkamp
- {n,pt}roff with mm on suns
Joe Wells
- Sun-4 severe NFS problem
Christopher A. Welty
- Looking for a SUNwrite to Framemaker translator
Ken West
- SAS on SUN-3 and/or SUN-4?
Wolfgang Wetz
- Wanted: Intel OpenNET on SUN
Geoff Whale
- Wanted: Intel OpenNET on SUN
Geoff Whale
- sun 4.0 multiple swap partitions
D. Whiteley
- Software Support
Andy Wilcox
- SunOs 4.0 NFS booting problems
Charles Williams
- xtrek and sunos?
Robert Wise
- VERY URGENT!!! SunOs4.0 Client boots
Mike Wolf
- Comments on new suns
Mike Wolf
- Dell PC --> Sun 4/150 serial link problems
Brian Wolfe
- Project Management S/W Query
Stephen Wolfson
- Ultrix Info
Richard Wood
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Bruce D. Wright
- LaserWriter II baud rate question
Bruce D. Wright
- How do you get a remote Sun to reboot itself
Trevor Wright
- Problem Management Software
Linda D. Wylie
- are 44MB removable drives reliable?
Dave Yost
- ie1 causes 'spurious level 3 interrupts'
George Young
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
George Young
- UNIX Technology Briefing in Melbourne
John Young
- Software Support
UseNet admin
- Looking for information on CASE tools
faigin at
- VME to multibus adaptors. (VME = master, multibus = slave) at
- vfont bitmap alignment (Re: versatec font editor)
Don't tell me the rerun season has started already!?!?!?!
- making xd1 bootable
ultra!beau at
- Need information on "panic: mget"
smb at
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
smb at
- zs3: silo overflow crashes
smb at
- Raster --> PostScript
hankg at
- Raster --> PostScriot
hankg at
- Short E-Net Cables (WAS: Re: Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only)
whb at
- Strange behavior between syslogd and sendmail
91erm at
- Mail info summary
91erm at
- On the fly update to mail information
91erm at
- Need printcap for ps printer on OS4.0
91erm at
- Software Support?
DBA - bsd
- Tar(1) somtimes hangs 1/4" tape drive
jdh at
- source code for 'grep like' program
claude cantin
- VAX server-NFS and Sun (and other) clients...
sgf at
- Are fileservers a waste of money
sgf at
- Are fileservers a waste...
sgf at
- Ethernet + TCP/IP driver problems
simon chan
- SCSI adapter rumor
simon chan
- TIFF to Sun Raster converter?
atul k chhabra
- TIFF to Sun Raster converter?
atul k chhabra
- query: new Sun keyboards
eli at
- short, thin AUI cables
- Summary: Matrix camera with TAAC (l
- Printer information for Sun SparcStations
- PD SPICE for SUN 3?
- Replies to SPICE query.
- Replies to SPICE query.
- RAM expansion for 3/50
kusalik%SKLPL.USask.CA at
- VAX ==> SUN Floating Point Conversion
- Personalization of the Sun's?
dsf2652%ucss at cs.RIT.EDU
- printers on ethernet
bh at
- workstation security
bh at
- swaping on more than on disk
bh at
- sendmail R option
bh at
- New Sun announcements and pricing
uucp at
- Exabyte questions
tek at
- NTSC output for 386i?
pcinews!observer at
- versatec font editor!attcan!utzoo!henry at
- nfsd going crazy
tr at
- selection_svc
kranenbu%HLERUL5I.BITNET at
- selection_svc (Addendum)
kranenbu%HLERUL5I.BITNET at
- 'wrong pmg' error
carlo at
- SCSI cable converter wanted, SUN -> DIP
- accounting on Sun system
roger davis
- Ethernet address of second board on Sun
stpeters at
- Finding ethernet addresses
Kemp at
- How do I stop/restart shell's?
jim at
- (lack of) security of client workstations
prl at eiger.uucp
- pageout and boot madness in 4.0.1?
rws at
- libm in SunOS 4.0
grunwald at
- selection_svc
Are we controlled by secret forces?
- Philips Monitors
edelheit%smiley at
- Severe Eyestrain--SUN Workstation problem
Dunstan_Vavasour at
- tcsh problems
ejs at
- FTP (user) and access problems
ejs at
- FTP (user) and access problems
ejs at
- Ending a SunView Application
rick grubin
- Help !! Need advice re YP in multi-ethernet LAN config.
leon howorth
- APUNIX Exabyte Tape systems
leon howorth
- Searching for Cybervision
he at
- "ar" filename length restriction
Dean Grover ird
- Tiff files
jacob at
- Connecting CDC Saber disk
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
- atrun problem
- Help with emacstool
mike johnson
- SunView questions
don't know
- memory expansion for 3/50
- philips monitor problems
danny lemay
- Coffee Mug
d. majumder
- Wren V 94181-385H Format?
ajw at
- PC-NFS Problems/Questions
GEustace at
- Telebit TB+ question
ndl!!gilley at
- sun bug 1008635: hardware? software? fixed?
forsyth at
- nfs bug in 3.2, 3.5 (
forsyth at
- adb help?
peter murray
- Adb symbolic step problem : I need HELP!!!
peter murray
- Sun workstations on AT&T STARLAN?
- double mailings from calendar(1)
era at
- panic (wak
scooper at
- SunView News Software at
- Color version of glass.c at
- X crashing at irregular occasions on SUN 3's at
- Diskless 3/50: Can't do ps -ax at
- Porting Sun 4 -> Sun 3? at
- knowing mouse position at
- knowing mouse position at
- the infamous grounded pin 26
benson at
- cdc 9720-1230 drives
cwl at
- Info wanted on Film recorders for SUN3, 4 or 386's
john powell
- Ethernet connectors
mr at
- mixing 3.3 and 4.X within a local net
mr at
mr at
- END of file test in F77 under SUN OS 4
- termcap problem on a Sun 3
- Memory allocation at a specific address?
- Maintenance of third party hardware
the root
- Dos Windows on 386i with X11R3
arran!rwu at
- Enlarging DOS windows in 386i SunView?
paul sebata
- ftp problem
rackow at
- more disk buffers under 3.x?
matt at srs.uucp
- SCSI adapter rumor
matt at srs.uucp
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
abstine at
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
abstine at
- Multiple Sun CPU's on a single VME backplane?
- Transceivers for SPARCstation-1's?
gnu at
- rlogin trouble: Chars translated into ^D
pratt at
- Need information on "panic: mget"
pratt at
- 8mm videocassette storage?
danq%dark.ssl.Berkeley.EDU at
- Finding your tty
srs!matt at
- join problems
srs!matt at
- CDC 9720-1230 experience
ekrell at
- use of netgroups in /etc/exports under 4.0.1
ekrell at
- New Sun announcements and pricing
steve at
- PostScript previewers for Suns
steve at
- ftp problems
steve at
- f77 Optimizer
attcan!utzoo!henry at uunet.UU.NET
- SCSI driver wanted...
alberta!rasit at
- Hi-Resolution Color Monitors?
apctrc!zwdq01 at
- Ethernet address of second board on Sun!
attcan!utzoo!henry at
attcan!utzoo!henry at
attcan!utzoo!henry at
- /etc/netgroups summary
mcrware!kim at
- Fortran 300 times faster than C for computing cosine
steinmetz!dawn!stpeters at
- I just can't resist ...
steinmetz!dawn!stpeters at
- Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
steinmetz!dawn!stpeters at
- Want X.25 spooling package
bnr-fos!bnr-public!hwt at
- Sun C bug [from info-gcc]
Tom Perrine x426
- "window lock broken"
Tom Perrine x426
- exabyte for archiving
Brett Chapman x5156
- OS 4 doesn't match documentation
Brett Chapman x5156
- color screendumps to LaserWriter II?
Brett Chapman x5156
- lpr problem
Brett Chapman x5156
- problems with transcript2.0 on sun
Brett Chapman x5156
- Diskless 3/50: Can't do ps -ax
Brett Chapman x5156
- PC-NFS 2.0 vs. SunOS 4.0.1
Brett Chapman x5156
- pcnfsd and inetd (pcnfsd/rpc/udp: unknown service)
Brett Chapman x5156
- Partitioning 892Mb disks?
"Hugh_Messenger.EuroPARC" at
- Slow net booting
Hippo.EuroPARC at
- video projectors for suns at
- Exabyte tapes - variable vs fixed blocks
andrew yeomans
Last message date:
Wed May 31 14:09:13 AEST 1989
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:40:10 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).