SunView questions
don't know
mrs at
Tue May 9 05:01:05 AEST 1989
I have a number of questions with respect to SunView that I've been saving
up. I would appreciate the net's help in answering them.
1) When I run lint on some files that use SunView's variable
argument list, I get the following message:
pass 2 error:(file interface.c) more than 59 args?
Q1) How do I get lint to work with long argument lists.
Currently I use a "#ifndef lint .. #endif" construct.
2) Whenever I use a SunView function such as
data = (Structure *) window_get(panel, WIN_CLIENT_DATA,0);
Lint reports an error message such as:
interface.c(153): warning: possible pointer alignment problem
Q2) How do I get lint to shut-up about such constructs.
3) I'm attempting to use "window_loop()/window_return()" functions
to implement a blocking popup. Unfortunately, and as stated in
the SunView manual, window_loop() will not work with subframes
composed of more then one type of window. In my specific case I
have a frame that encloses a canvas and a panel subwindow. The
frame does block; however, only the first sub-window defined is
shown and I can't interact with the other subwindow.
Q3) Is it possible to use SunView blocking pop-ups that have more
than one subwindow?
4) My application generates a number of pop-up panels that
the user can display and interact with at any time.
However, there is a practical limit to the number of
windows that can be simultaneously open.
Q4) How does one determine if the next window_create() call
can open a window, since window_create() never returns with
an error status because SunView bombs internally.
5) I have a problem with the following minimal code construct:
my_menu = menu_create(
MENU_ACTION_PROC, dispatch_menu_command,
MENU_ACTION_PROC, dispatch_menu_command,
MENU_GEN_PROC, init_menu,
Menu init_menu(menu,op)
Menu menu;
Menu_generate op;
Menu_item menu_item;
if (op != MENU_DISPLAY)
menu_item = (Menu_item) menu_get(menu, MENU_NTH_ITEM, 1, 0);
menu_item = (Menu_item) menu_find(menu, MENU_CLIENT_DATA, COMMAND1, 0);
* code to do something with the menu_item.
Q5) What happens is that the menu_find call also recursively calls
the menu's generate procedure, so the program goes into an infinite
loop, repeatedly calling the function "init_menu". If, as shown above,
I "#define THIS_WORKS" the program performs as expected. However, I
want the menu_items to be position independent, and they will be
uniquely identifiable by MENU_CLINET_DATA. Is this a feature of
SunView or have I missed something?
Mark R. Simpson (914) 945-6163
Philips Laboratories uunet!philabs!mrs
North American Philips Corporation or
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 mrs at
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