New sun?
Andrew Patrick
andrew at
Fri May 5 18:25:18 AEST 1989
In article <8903302300.AA03975 at> gfr at
(Glenn Roberts) writes:
>> I have been hearing all sorts of things about a new sun PC like machine.
>> In fact, even BYTE has heard of it. It is billed as a "next killer" by
>> some, and very low priced by others. So if anybody knows anything about
>> this new machine, I would appreciate information on it.
>Could you be referring to the Sun 386i? Introduced about a year ago this
>machine is based on the 80386 chip and runs both DOS and Unix applications
>in the SunView environment. It has been written up in Byte (was on the
>cover about 4-6 months ago) and is frequently discussed in Sun-Spots
I think the articles have been referring to Sun's new RISC machine, the
SPARCstation 1. The press release I received (dated April 18) states that
this machine runs at 20 megahertz to produce 12.5 MIPS (1.4 MFLOPS), with
a footprint smaller than a PC. The machine supports internal hard drives
(2), a 3.5 inch floopy (DOS compatible), digital audio (in and out), 2
serial ports, Ethernet, SCSI. There will also be an optional DOS emulator
and graphics accelerator. The SPARCstation 1 uses a new bus (the SBus)
and has 3 3 X 5" expansion slots.
Base price for 17" mono, diskless, 8MB RAM is (unofficially) $12,800CDN.
Andrew Patrick, Ph.D. Communications Research Centre
(613) 990-4675 Department of Communications, Ottawa, Canada
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