OS 4 Sendmail.cf doesn't match documentation
Todd Sandor
mitel!sce!cognos!todds at uunet.uu.net
Wed May 10 08:10:19 AEST 1989
ultra!shj at ames.arc.nasa.gov (Steve Jay) writes:
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 255, message 8 of 16
>The OS 4 "System & Network Administration" manual, part # 800-1733-10,
>revision A of 9 May 1988, discusses "setting up the Mail Routing System"
>beginning on page 375. On the bottom of page 377, it describes modifying
>the sendmail.cf file. It says to look for lines that look like
Read chaper 18 "Sendmail Installation and Operation" (great fun!!)
+ .....
>and change them to our domain name. My problem is, there are no lines
># @(#)main.mc 1.15 88/02/08 SMI
so is mine.
>A related question: I've seen several messages in sun-spots about patches
>to "sendmail 5.61", or some such. Does this have anything to do with the
>version of sendmail that I get with Sun OS 4? If I'm not supposed to be
>running the sendmail that came with OS 4, where do I get whatever I should
There seems to be problems with sendmail with the SunOS 4.0, in our case
found that the $m macro (Domain name) doesn't seem to work with outgoing
mail (messes up the Message-Id for example), so we have had to hard code
the name in to all $m locations, for example our main mailer has:
# You have two choices here. If you want the gateway machine to identify
# itself as the DOMAIN, use this line:
instead of:
# If you want the gateway machine to appear to be INSIDE the domain, use:
like it says in the documentations. Our subsidiary sendmail.cf looks like:
# my official hostname
Note that you have to replace all $m with your domain name in the
sendmail.cf files. We also have a call into Sun Support on this one, but
don't have a reply yet. So far (less than a week) this fix seems to have
worked (at least have not gotten nasty messages from sites we connect to).
Todd Sandor Voice: (613) 738-1338 ext 2704 P.O. Box 9707
Cognos Incorporated FAX: (613) 738-0002 3755 Riverside Dr.
uucp: todds at cognos || uunet!mitel!scs!cognos!todds Ottawa, Ontario
Steady as she goes! CANADA K1G 3Z4
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