anyone using CDC drives?
Michael S. Czeiszperger
czei at
Wed May 3 15:35:15 AEST 1989
Reply-To: wilson at
My manager asked me to post this, so please reply to
wilson at The message is
given verbatim as it was given to me:
Hey! Anybody out there?
Is anyone using a CDC drive on a sun 3/xxx server system? Does it run
well? In particular, does anybody have a CDC 9720-1230 disk drive? How
much is the maintenance cost? What controller is required? What software
driver is required?
Michael S. Czeiszperger | "He seemed to be able to see the threads
Systems Analyst | which bind the Universe together..."
The Ohio State University | 2015 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
ARPA:czei at PAN:CZEI (614) 292-0161
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