short, thin AUI cables
Fri May 12 00:20:00 AEST 1989
>BTWbis, does anyone know of a source of short AUI cables, say about 1m?
>All I have found are multiples of 5m. Is there some technical reason for
> Charles Seeger 216 Larsen Hall +1 904 392 8935
> Electrical Engineering University of Florida Just say NO to
> seeger at Gainesville, FL 32611 EtherTalk
There are indeed short, supple transceiver cables on the market. You can
find them, um, in the, uh, (mumble mumble) DECdirect catalogue. DEC calls
'em the "Office tranceiver cable", and the part number is BNE4C-02/FN for
a 2-metre cable with straight (cf right-angle) connectors. We use them,
and appreciate their flexibility - a bit stiffer than thinwire coax, and
very light. Ideal for movable machines like workstations. A number of
ethernet-specialist suppliers also stock lightweight AUI cable and will
cut custom lengths; shop around, but be careful: we've had suppliers say
"Sure, we've got short supple cables" and then ship the standard
fat-as-your-thumb stuff.
(When DEC brought out the MicroVAX/VAXstation 2000 with only a *thin*wire
port, people flamed about that; DEC was accused of trying to sell
Chip Campbell
Physics Division, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto
Bitnet: campbell at utoroci,
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