Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
jis at mtgzx.att.com
Thu May 18 00:24:26 AEST 1989
In article <10217 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> rudolf at oce.orst.edu (Jim Rudolf) writes:
>We were introduced to the new Sun products last week, and I was surprised
>to find that all new CPUs will only have thick Ethernet connectors. OK, I
>Can anyone clue me in to the reason why Sun chose to go this way?
>I'm clueless.
I don't know the real reason, but I remember a conversation that I had
about a year ago with a Sun technical type. He had asked me "If Sun
decided to do away with either the thick Ethernet or the thin Ethernet
interface on their desktop boxes which would I be more comfortable with?".
My reply to him was, I would be more comfortable with a desktop Sun with
no thin Ethernet connector rather than no thick Ethernet connector,
because it is not possible to convert to a thick Ethernet connector from a
thin one, but vice-versa can be achieved by a little line-powered matchbox
We happen to use 10BaseT compliant Starlan 10 over twisted pair telephone
wiring in our network. In this setup each workstation is connected into
the building wiring using a little box called "AUI Adapter" which really
is a twisted pair transceiver that plugs directly into the thick Ethernet
connector, if you can figure out how to hold it there. In our setup we
tend to use a short segment of transceiver cable to hookup the AUI
adapters to workstations. Works like the charm.
Jishnu Mukerji,
mtgzz!jis, jis at mtgzz.att.com
+1 201 957 5986
AT&T Bell Laboratories, MT 3K-423, 200 Laurel Ave., Middletown NJ 07748
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