Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
J. Brewster
jjb at zeus.cs.wayne.edu
Wed May 17 01:45:25 AEST 1989
In article <10217 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> rudolf at oce.orst.edu (Jim Rudolf) writes:
>We were introduced to the new Sun products last week, and I was surprised
>to find that all new CPUs will only have thick Ethernet connectors. OK, I
> [...]
>Can anyone clue me in to the reason why Sun chose to go this way?
>I'm clueless.
I don't claim to know the real reason why Sun went that way. A guess: if
you have an AUI port, you can convert to thin easily enough. I've seen
little devices which have a DB-15 and a BNC on them. I suppose it's just
a small transceiver. However, given a thin Ethernet port, you can't
really switch back to an AUI connection. Further, thick Ethernet allows
for greater segment lengths than does thin. I like the flexibility of
having both (our VAXStation 2000's have a slide switch -- no jumper plug
to fool with!), but if I had to choose, I'd choose the AUI port, too. --
J. Brewster | "In this country, everything loose
jjb at cs.wayne.edu | rolls to the West Coast."
...!mailrus!wsu-cs!jjb | --Thomas A. Vanderslice, CEO of Apollo
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