Set-uid shell scripts (Don't do it + apology)
Maarten Litmaath
mcvax!!maart at
Sat May 6 07:46:57 AEST 1989 at (Will Dickson) writes:
\... there is no secure interpreter, as there is a
\problem in the kernel rather than in the interpreters themselves which can
\be exploited (< 20 lines of plain C, with standard UNIX calls) to break
\any suid script.
Simply not true. Use setuid(1) and you're out of trouble. The source and
manual can be acquired from the comp.sources.misc archives or by emailing
\There are a few problems with my posting, one of which
\hasn't been mentioned (but hinted at by Henry Spencer in v7n218): csh
He could have been specific, for the essential problem has been revealed
about nine months ago in comp.unix.wizards (yes, by me). I've got a
detailed description on-line.
"If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
it's probably wrong." (jim at bilpin). |maart at, mcvax!botter!maart
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