SunOs 4.0 NFS booting problems
Charles Williams
chuck at
Sat May 6 07:59:12 AEST 1989
First, I would like to thank all of you who responded to my client booting
Second, nobody who sent a solution sent the right solution. The hosts in
the /etc/hosts file are listed "number name", and the
exports file has only the short name.
The actual problem turned out to be, believe it or not, a bad ethernet
transceiver cable connection to the workstation. I had to remove the
washers that came with the cables (from those @#$%&* posts) and in some
cases even remove the @#$%&* posts altogether.
Lastly, and as a matter of interest, here is my current network configuration:
Sun 3/260 - YP master for yp domain X
YP secondary master for YP domain Y
bootserver for three diskless 3/60's
Sun 3/260 - YP master for yp domain Y
YP secondary master for yp domain X
bootserver for 1 diskless 3/60
Encore Multimax 510 - bootserver for 10 diskless 3/60's
(these 10 clients are members of yp domain X and use the
first 3/260 for yp services)
btw there are also scads of 386i's and other Sun machines physically
attatched to the same LAN, and everybody works just fine!!
Chuck Williams
Contel Federal Systems
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