Dbxtool <-> dbx?
Jayen Vaghani
munnari!cs.mu.oz.au!jayen at uunet.uu.net
Wed May 3 21:40:37 AEST 1989
Could anyone give me some information on how dbxtool and dbx talk to each
other. I notice there are several pipes set up between the two processes
and I was wondering what their individual purposes were.
Thanks, Jayen.
UUCP: {uunet,ukc,ubc-cs,mcvax}!munnari.oz!jayen
ARPA: jayen%munnari.oz at uunet.uu.net
Jayen Vaghani Home Address: 28 Estelle St
Department of Computer Science East Oakleigh, Vic, 3166
University of Melbourne Australia
Grattan St Phone: + 61 3 344-7877 (BH)
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