Explicit Refreshing of a SunView screen
Ray Smith
rcsmith at anagld.UUCP
Tue May 9 04:25:10 AEST 1989
Configuration: - 3/160
- SunOS 3.5
- 1 slightly tired and frustrated novice SunView programmer
Scenario: I am working on a process that searchs data. Since the search
can take from several seconds to a few minutes I would like to pop-up a
window with a little message in it saying what is going on. I have a
panel button call the function that starts the search and it is within
this function that I want to bring up the pop-up, finish the search, and
remove the pop-up. When I do this I see in my debugs that the funtion to
create the pop-up is called properly and everything is set as it should
be. Then I see the search complete and the function to close the pop-up
window is called properly; however, the pop-up is never displayed. I know
there must be a way to refresh the screen but I have not found it yet. I
have tried using wmgr_refreshwindow() without success.
Since I imagine this has occured in the past I thought I would appeal to
the net for help. Please realize that I have read TFM till I am blue in
the face and have not found a solution to this simple problem (something
about not seeing the forest due to the trees comes to mind).
Any pointers to manual pages I may have missed, code fragments, or any
help in general regarding this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Ray Smith | UUCP: {uunet,aplcen,netsys,sundc}!anagld!rcsmith
Analytics, Inc. | ARPA: RCSmith at DOCKMASTER.ARPA or
Suite 200 | anagld!rcsmith at uunet.uu.net
9891 Broken Land Parkway |
Columbia, MD 21046 | Voice: (301) 381-4300 Fax: (301) 381-5173
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