sun 4.0 multiple swap partitions
George Nassiopoulos
nassio%cfassp12 at
Fri May 19 06:51:43 AEST 1989
We have a Sun 4/280 server running 4.0 -- we would like to be able to swap
on two partitions on two disks connected to the server, but don't seem to
be able to do so.
Does any one know if there is a way to do this in 4.0 ?
In a previous article to Sun-Spots I BELIEVE someone said that
config vmunix root on xy0a swap on xy0b and swap on xy3b
would work, but when I tried the above config file I got the
same kernel as I got with the following:
config vmunix root on xy0a swap on xy3b
Also, does anyone know if the naming of the kernel matters
at all. i.e. what does using the line:
do to you if the rest of the kernel is not really GENERIC?
Thank you,
George Nassiopoulos
nassio at (Internet)
nassio at cfa (BITNET)
[[ The config line we use is:
"config vmunix root on xy0a swap on xy0b and xy1b"
Note that it does not say "and swap on". --wnl ]]
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