Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Guy Harris
auspex!guy at uunet.uu.net
Sat May 20 21:54:01 AEST 1989
>> Rumor has it that SunOS4.1 has HoneyDanber UUCP.
I'm not sure what you mean by "had HoneyDanber UUCP", but if you mean "it
was slated for 4.0, or even in a development version of 4.0, but wasn't in
the final release", I can unequivocally state that this is *not* true.
Somebody not working on 4.x development might have ported it to 4.0, but
that's a different matter.
As for 4.1, though, it seems from Steve Grandi's report on the December
Sun User's Group meeting that its appearance in 4.1 has been
"pre-announced", at least. From his article:
Functional enhancements included in 4.1 include asynchronous I/O, even
more than 64 file descriptors per process, memory locking of pages
(including processes; one will be able to lock down a process from an
external process as well) and much more use of loadable modules.
HoneyDanBer UUCP, new AWK, a simple programmer's interface to the dynamic
binding system and a parallel make are all included in 4.1. So called
"Ease of Use" features such as the Organizer, the color editor and the
help system now included in the 386i versions of SunOS will be part of 4.1
for all architectures. Sun will also bundle some "personal productivity"
software with SunOS such as a low-end word processor and a paint/draw
program since "people expect them" (both McNealy and LaCroute emphasized
that Sun wasn't getting into the application business, just that folks
expected such tools in the same way a previous generation expected a text
The "personal productivity" software has, of course, already appeared.
The programmer's interface to dynamic binding is what was alluded to in
another posting. The HDB is already running - it's the UUCP currently
running on "sun", Sun's UUCP machine - as is the new "awk" (the S5R3.1
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