Printers, modems not working in OS 4
Jeff Stearns
jeff at
Fri May 19 05:47:27 AEST 1989
In article <8904272108.AA01957 at> ultra!shj at (Steve Jay) writes:
: X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 271, message 6 of 18
: There have been several queries in Sun-Spots recently about printers on
: serial lines not working in OS 4.
: ...
: The solution is to get the "serial patch tape" from Sun. You should be
: able to get it by calling 800-USA-4SUN. Ours was labeled "yapt 5.4", for
: "yet another patch tape 5.4", and we later got "yapt 5.5". Either one
: fixed all of our observed problems.
Don't I wish. The "Serial Patch Tape" improves the 4.0.1 serial port
situation from horrible to merely buggy.
Ttya and ttyb still occasionally get their kickers in a knot and there are
still problems when the system tries to buffer up more than about 100
bytes of incoming data. This shows up especially when we use tip to
download files to standalone computers via the ~> command.
Something that helps: avoid those 3-wire connections on ttya or ttyb
promoted in Chapter 11 (figure 11-1) of the System Administrator's Manual.
Our Sun-3/60's become very unhappy if the CTS line is toggled rapidly or
rings; this is a possiblity if pin 5 is left disconnected.
Jeff Stearns John Fluke Mfg. Co, Inc. (206) 356-5064
jeff at tc.fluke.COM {uw-beaver,microsoft,sun}!fluke!jeff
PS - Calling all users of the Vitalink TransLAN IV Ethernet bridge! Please
drop me a line.
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