VT100 Emulation software
Colin Dente
dente%man.ee.els at ukacrl.BITNET
Tue May 9 17:17:10 AEST 1989
sterritt%sdevax.decnet at crdgw1.ge.com (Chris Sterritt) writes:
>SO, is there a package (ideally, of course, public-domain) that does good
>vt100 emulation? Where can we get it?
PLEASE post replies as well - I would love to get hold of a vt100 emulator
for Sun (at the moment I have to use a Zenith hooked up to a terminal line
if I want to use a VAX from my Sun).
Colin Dente | JANET: dente at uk.ac.man.ee.els
Dept. of Electrical Engineering | ARPA: dente at els.ee.man.ac.uk
University of Manchester | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!man.ee.els!dente
England | NB. these will work as of 28/4/89
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