Are fileservers a waste of money
David L. Kensiski 929-8844
sacto!mmsac!cygnus!david at
Thu May 11 02:38:13 AEST 1989
Bob Sutterfield <bob at> writes:
>sacto!mmsac!cygnus!david at (David L. Kensiski) writes:
> I recently read that Helios offers a RAM upgrade that does not
> require soldering to the CPU, hence it does not invalidate the Sun
> warranty or service contract.
> It's the other way around: Helios is the only memory upgrade that I
> know of that requires soldered modifications to the 3/50 board,
> rendering Sun unwilling to service it if it breaks.
Page 38 of the April 17 issue of InfoWorld contians the article:
Helios Announces Reversible Add-On RAM Cards For Sun-3/50
The article explains that Helios has previously offered boards that were
soldered to the CPU board, but also that Helios just announced a new
reversible board that is not in violation of Sun's warranties.
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