Adding third Sun shoebox to 3/60
Colin Dente at ukacrl.bitnet
Mon May 8 23:09:03 AEST 1989
dre at umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU (Douglas R. East) writes:
>1. Can more than two shoeboxes be placed on the SCSI port? According to
>the Mass Storage Systems manual, only two can be--a unit with the 1/4"
>tape plus an add-on unit. But this doesn't make a lot of sense to me,
>after all, what is SCSI for? I would like to place a third 70M shoebox
>since I happen to have one laying around.
I can't really offer much help, other than moral support. I *know* that
it can be done - as my Sun here used to have three shoeboxes hung off it
(70Mb+1/4" tape, 70Mb, 140Mb). As to *how* it was done, I'm afraid I
can't tell you - it was when I was first here, and we've since got the
327Mb disk which we were waiting for at the time (all the others were Sun
demo gear that they lent to us after many complaints). I do recall the
local Sun service rep coming in with the third shoebox under his arm and
saying "I don't know whether or not this'll work, but...."
So - ask Sun, and if they say it can't be done, tell 'em they're lying!
(Machine was a 3/110 running 3.2 if it makes any odds).
Colin Dente | JANET: dente at
Dept. of Electrical Engineering | ARPA: dente at
University of Manchester | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!!dente
England | NB. these will work as of 28/4/89
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