Macintosh emulator for the SUN3
Anton Rang
rang at
Sat May 6 19:45:22 AEST 1989
In article <8904080313.AA29835 at uunet.UU.NET> attcan!utzoo!henry at writes:
[ Question about a Mac emulator for Suns deleted ]
The big problem is that to be useful to Mac programs, you must duplicate
the support software in Apple's ROMs. From scratch, not by copying the
ones out of a Mac -- doing it by copying is a copyright violation, and
Apple will get you for that. This is not a small job.
Also, note that several of the algorithms Apple uses (in particular for
"region" manipulation) are patented, and thus using equivalent algorithms
is (probably) a violation of patent law. You'd have to figure out your
own ways to handle QuickDraw, in essence.
| Anton Rang (grad student) | "VMS Forever!" |
| Michigan State University | rang at |
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