RAM expansion for 3/50
kusalik%SKLPL.USask.CA at cornellc.cit.cornell.edu
kusalik%SKLPL.USask.CA at cornellc.cit.cornell.edu
Tue May 16 05:53:55 AEST 1989
>could someone point me in the direction of vendors who sell an extra 4MB
>of RAM for the Sun 3/50? how much can we expect to pay?
I bought mine from
Solflower Computer, Inc
Suite A-108
1630 Oakland Rd
San Jose, CA
Their list price was $US1595 for an 8M board with 4M of SIMM on it. My
purchase price was less because of educational discount.
I liked the idea of a memory upgrade to which I can later add another 4M.
The memory arrived promptly after the order was placed. Installation went
fine, except for a bit of confusion regarding what to do with jumper J108
(though the included troubleshooting sheet quickly led us to a solution)
All in all, I'm a satisfied customer.
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