lpr problem
Ran-Chi Huang x1537 dept 302
wyse!rc at uunet.uu.net
Wed May 10 09:31:05 AEST 1989
We noticed exactly the same symptoms on our print server running 4.0.1.
Every now and then, we see a message like "Waiting for lock on /dev/lw".
The fix (kludge) is to do a "ps -aux | grep pscomm" and kill off the
associated process.
We talked with SUN and they said it was a known bug in 4.0.1. Hopefully
this will be fixed in the next release.
Ran-Chi Huang
Wyse Technology VOICE: (408) 433-1000 x1537
3571, N. First Street ARPA: rc at wyse.com OR rc at caf.mit.edu
San Jose, CA 95134 UUCP: ...!{uunet}!wyse!rc
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