HPGL on Sun's ??
Jan Debie
jdeb at oce.nl
Thu May 18 05:26:30 AEST 1989
I am looking for a program to preview Hewlett Packard Graphics Language
Files on Sun 3/60's w/coprocessor, running under Sun OS 3.5, Sun-Tools.
These are plotter input files generated from electrical and mechanical
drawings on HP CAD systems. Sizes range from A4 to A0. The program should
allow the user to zoom and pan thus providing the ability to easily look
at large drawings. A server program (running in the background) together
with a small client providing filenames would be ideal. I did consult
Sun's Catalist of Sepptember 1988, but found nothing I could use.
Any pointers to commercially available packages (no CAD systems !! ) or
other software with similar functionallity as described above - perhaps
some home brewn routines built upon Sun{CGI,Core} - would be greatly
Oce-Nederland B.V.
J.L.M. Debie
Purch. Dept. P.A.-O.A.
Location 4N107
P.O. Box 101
5900 MA Venlo
The Netherlands
phone ..31-77-592872
fax ..31-77-516091
email ...!mcvax!oce-rd1!jdeb
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