new Sun type-4 keyboards
Rick Ace
pixar!rta at
Fri May 12 03:47:26 AEST 1989
In article <8905051752.AA03538 at>, gildea at (Stephen Gildea) writes:
> The keyboard that Sun started shipping with the 386i and now ships with
> all machines, the type-4 keyboard, is a step backwards for an engineering
> workstation.
Agreed. The keyboard is *the* most personal part of the computer. Try as
I did, I could never get accustomed to the VT220 keyboard. The new Sun
keyboards are reminiscent of DEC's unfortunate VT220 decision.
Sun, if you're listening, please offer customers the choice between the
old and new style keyboards.
Rick Ace
[[ YEAH! It's not like that's hard to do or anything. Seriously! --wnl ]]
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