Help with 4.0 upgrade on Sun 3/260
Henk Langeveld
eurtrx!euraiv1!!henk at
Sun May 7 02:51:23 AEST 1989
gwl at (Gerry Lawrence) writes:
>I've just been (conned) into upgrading to 4.0 on our 3/260. We've got two
>Fujitsu 2333's, 8 megs of ram and a 1/4inch tape drive. I can get all the
>way through the suninstall forms up until the "Installation" menu item,
>which immediately gives:
> Bus error: core dumped
>Ulch! I've tried different disk partitions, different options, to no
>avail. Has anyone had this problem?
Yes, we had the same trouble in january. I presume you are using ttya
as a console ? (i.e. You haven't got a sun console, keyboard and mouse).
This is a documented bug, look in the CDB. The problem is that the
TERMCAP definition cannot be set from within suninstall, its buffer for
the termcap entry is too small. If you set the TERMCAP variable with
the correct value before running suninstall, you should have no
problems. (This took us, sun NL, two weeks, plus a hardware engineer
for half a day at our site swapping boards, until they realised what was
>Tread very carefully when running suninstall. DO NOT TYPE AHEAD at
>all. If you are impatient and hit keys before suninstall is ready to read
>them, it may core dump. This was our experience when upgrading a 3/280
>with suninstall. This may or may not be the source of your problem, but
>it is something to be careful about. --wnl
I know nothing of problems with typeahead in suninstall, apart from the
stupid program reacting a bit slow. [[ Well, it may have just been us.
Hard to tell sometimes, and "suninstall" is not something we use that
often (so it's not worth the effort of tracking down problems in it).
--wnl ]]
Henk Langeveld
Henk Langeveld ( Dept. EUR/EF/AIV; Erasmus University Rotterdam )
henk@{euraiv1,eurtrx}.uucp || +31 10 4081346
langeveld at hroeur5.bitnet ||
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