lpr loses last part of output
Jeff Stearns
jeff at tc.fluke.com
Tue May 9 14:38:57 AEST 1989
jns at meridian.com (Jerry N Sweet) writes:
>We have a Printronix P6040L printer hooked up to the ALM-2 parallel port
>on a Sun 3/260 running SunOS 4.0.1. About half the times that lpr is used
>with plain text, the very last part of the output is mysteriously
>truncated. ...
Have you installed the "General TTY Patches" tape from Sun? It's alleged
to cure this problem (which occurs with other serial ports under SunOS
4.0.1 as well).
You'll see this same problem if you just "cat file>/dev/ttya", for example.
Jeff Stearns John Fluke Mfg. Co, Inc. (206) 356-5064
jeff at tc.fluke.COM {uw-beaver,microsoft,sun}!fluke!jeff
PS - Calling all users of the Vitalink TransLAN IV Ethernet bridge! Please
drop me a line.
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