SUN Faculty/Staff sales?
Bob DeBula
bobd at
Sat May 6 17:43:34 AEST 1989
I was wondering if anyone out there in netland at a university has ever
participated in (or had offered) a faculty/staff SUN sales discount
program (i.e. can faculty or staff at your university buy SUNs at a
discount similar to the one given the university). I have not seen this
question brought up before, and with the new low end machine (3/80) I
thought it might become a relevant question (after all we're starting to
talk in the MAC-IIx price range now & at least out university sells quite
a few of those to faculty & staff). Any info (even war stories about the
horrors of trying to obtain such an agreement) would be helpful.
Bob DeBula | Internet: debula-r at
The Ohio State University | Disclaimer: These are my views, not the U's
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