what is the delay
Dave Mack
inco!mack at uunet.uu.net
Sat May 6 17:07:04 AEST 1989
watson at ames.arc.nasa.gov (John S. Watson) writes:
>Look at it this way: I bet it's still faster than the Sun
>Hotline! :-) --wnl ]]
Actually, it's not. Turnaround on the net is about three weeks, while the
Sun Hotline is still (barely) under a week. Given a similar turnaround for
posted replies, we end up with a six-week delay in getting answers here.
Obviously, email replies aren't as much of a problem, but that kills a
fair fraction of the value of this group. I frequently see questions asked
here that I would like to know the answers to, if only for future
reference, but I rarely see any answers. I presume that most people
recognize the long turnaround problem and reply by mail.
It seems a little insane to do this, but do we need an unmoderated group
for Suns, maybe comp.sys.sun.d? I'm not suggesting doing away with the
moderated group, only augmenting it with an unmoderated one which will
provide a faster response time at the cost of a higher noise level.
Dave Mack
inco!mack at uunet.uu.net
[[ People usually don't make follow up comments on statements that end
with a smiley face ":-)". That's because they understand them for what
they are: lighthearted. If the answer center has a turn around time of
one week, then they have improved. They really did used to be 2+ weeks.
I am facing up to some hard realities here regarding sun-spots, and I will
be posting a letter about these realities soon. --wnl ]]
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