HM monitor to be discontinued
Bob Sutterfield
bob at
Fri May 26 08:16:08 AEST 1989
From: moran at (Doug Moran)
Original-Date: Mon, 1 May 89 11:06:22 PDT
X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 274, message 12 of 12
In trying to find out when the HM, hi-resolution (1600x1280) monochrome,
monitor would be available on the 4/60 (SPARCstation-1), I have been
informed that Sun will be discontinuing the HM and plans to not offer it
on new products (whether or not it will be available on the 4/60 was
I found out today that a highly-placed person within Sun's engineering
organization expressed displeasure at the HM's abrupt discontinuation, so
the current plan is for it to be "phased out" somewhat more gradually. It
will (according to this source) be supported on the 4/60 and perhaps the
3/80 as well. No word about the 4/300 series.
This, of course, has nothing to say about availability (how soon?) or
duration (how long till it's orphaned?), but it's at least an encouraging
sign that Engineering can have an effect on Marketing :-)
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