sunlink 3270 problems
Michael Schunk
sun1e!schunk2 at
Fri May 5 22:28:48 AEST 1989
I ran across some problems with DAI, the programmer's interface to the
IBM. The manual is VERY short (I know, that manuals are always short, but
20 pages and one undocumented and wrong example program is a bit too
laconic) and does not mention how to solve the problems. In detail, I
have the following problems: 1)I have changed the example program to log
on on our IBM. (Aside, this took some time: the demo program recognized
the terminal as a SNA-terminal (that was right) and therefor assumed the
IBM to have TSO running (This was wrong)) (It is a 4341, running VM/CMS,
we use SNA terminals and the rest of the sunlink software works well
(including file transfer etc). So the installation seems to be ok)). But
when the IBM has written the first screen, it waits for the operator
action to go on. This is normally the key PA2, pressed by the operator. So
I tried to send a write_DSC(dai,"",PA2,status).... . I didn't work. The
reason was, that when the IBM had some output pending, ds_write() was not
able to write the buffer. Who can I change this? I tried some
combinations of flags in ds_write() and ds_write_control(), but the only
effect was that I learned new ways to enter some modes (vtam etc) I have
never seen before. Can anyone help?
The other questions are:
2) Has anyone an example how to program a 3270 datastream from pascal/vs ?
3) Is it possible to call ibmftp from an application program? I have to
copy data from the IBM to the SUN and don't like to re-invent this wheel.
Thank you,
Michael Schunk
Michael Schunk / University of Hildesheim / Insitut f. Informatik /
Marienburger Platz 22 / 3200 Hildesheim / West-Germany
dnet: !unido!infhil!schunk EARN: MSCH0051 AT DHIURZ1
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