"Best Way" to inhibit halting of workstations
Brent Chapman
capmkt!brent at uunet.uu.net
Sat May 6 04:27:54 AEST 1989
Mike Raffety <uunet!Central.Sun.COM!sunloop!oconnor!porsche!miker>
# I like the binary patch to /etc/init, but instead of the custom "sq"
# program, a simpler solution might be to make a hard (or soft) link
# called "sq" (or any other two letter name, to match the space used in
# /etc/init for "sh") to /bin/login, which will do just as effective a
# job of keeping the machine safe.
I'm not sure this is a good idea. Doesn't /bin/login try to write a
record into /etc/utmp, and so on? If you're booting single-user, then the
root partition hasn't been fsck'd yet, and if it's hosed, you _don't_ want
to go writing on it before you fsck it.
One thing about 'sq' is that it's fairly simple, and you can pretty much
just stare at it for a while and convince yourself that it does what it's
supposed to, and doesn't do anything unexpected (like write the the root
partition before it's been fsck'd); login, by comparison, is big and
complicated, and there are lots of ways it might go wrong or do something
unexpected in this situation.
Brent Chapman Capital Market Technology, Inc.
Computer Operations Manager 1995 University Ave., Suite 390
brent at capmkt.com Berkeley, CA 94704
{cogsci,lll-tis,uunet}!capmkt!brent Phone: 415/540-6400
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