panic: vn_rele
Alan M. Brown
alan%prism at
Sun May 7 04:16:45 AEST 1989
In article <8904111537.AA06180 at>, mckay at (Dwight D. McKay) writes:
> After calling the infamous Sun Hotline 4 times without any response, [...]
> [...]
> Periodically, (about once a week on a 4/280, less often on
> 3/XXX) we experience the following panic:
> [orchestra]panic: vn_rele
> [orchestra]syncing file systems... panic: vn_rele
> [...]
> * Is there a fix for it? (I don't believe Sun has one as I
> *have* been called back by the Hotline folks when they have a fix for
> something)
> [...]
Way back in November I experienced multiple panics of two types:
panic: vn_rele (Sun service order #234504)
panic: diskquota (Sun service order #232522)
Sun claimed they were both related to a quota problem, and supplied me with
two patches: quota.o and spec_subr.o. The engineer who supplied the patches
was Kevin Fox.
Very, very, Very, VERY, V*E*R*Y seldom has Sun resolved one of our
problems in a timely fashon. I opened this problem on November 3 and
closed it on January 25. BUT - the fix did resolve our problem, and they
were nice about it.
Alan M. Brown Systems Support Specialist
Office of Computing Services
telephone: (404) 894-4660 Georgia Institute of Technology
Internet: alan at Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0275
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!alan
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