Unhorrible uucp for SunOS
Jon A. Tankersley
apctrc!cra2!zjat02 at uunet.uu.net
Tue May 23 08:47:00 AEST 1989
In article <386 at ists.ists.ca> watmath!ists.ists.ca!mike at uunet.uu.net (Mike Clarkson) writes:
>apctrc!cra2!zjat02 at uunet.uu.net (Jon A. Tankersley) writes:
>> Rumor has it that SunOS4.1 has HoneyDanber UUCP.
>Rumour had it that SunOS4.0 had HoneyDanber UUCP.
I've put the question to my sales rep about picking up some of the 4.1
features unbundled. My company is interested in *lots* of different
things like the ANSI C compiler, HDB UUCP, X11/NeWS, and any thing else we
can play with. More requests from end users might free some of this up
and make it available unbundled, lest 4.1 slips again.
Any takers?
#include <std/disclaimer.h> /* nobody knows the trouble I .... */
tank at apctrc.trc.amoco.com ..!uunet!apctrc!tank
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