SCSI adapter rumor
Bennett Todd
bet at
Thu May 11 06:11:27 AEST 1989
> I have heard a rumour that there is an internal scsi adapter on the CPU
> boards of machines like 3/160, 3/75's (same cpu), and all you need to make
> scsi peripherals work with this card is a special cable that plugs into
> the cpuboard.
That isn't quite my understanding; I think that only the desktop machines
like the 3/50 and 3/60 come with SCSI ports on the CPU board. However,
there is a similar situation that someone might have been confused by. Sun
3/160 and 3/260 machines (that I have seen, no doubt other models as well)
can be purchased with internal SCSI tape or disk drives. When such a
configuration is purchased, there is a SCSI controller (not on the CPU,
but a separate board) which cannot be accessed outside the machine. Sun
claims that you still have to buy another SCSI adaptor to attach extra
SCSI peripherals to such a configuration; my experience suggests
otherwise. A special cable is desirable for an attractive installation,
though not necessary if you are prepared to make up your own SCSI cabling.
I used, and was very happy with, a SCSI cabling kit specially for the
purpose (shipped complete with instructions, which I found quite valuable)
from Delta Microsystems. I purchase Delta Microsystems stuff through
Peripheral Devices, at (407) 487-1880.
bet at
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