Lpr bug/pc-nfs
Lori Corrin
purple at hadrian.uwo.ca
Thu May 18 05:50:54 AEST 1989
We've recently been having a problem with pc-nfs version 3.0 not getting
the user name correct on output. It turns out that it is really a lpr
problem. Lpr on the suns go looking in /etc/utmp for the user name but
doesn't take into account the possible of a daemon starting the print job
so when the user isn't in /etc/utmp it puts the name of the person logged
into the console instead. If there are no etries in /etc/utmp it lets the
name gets passed from the daemon properly. I don't have source for sunOS
so couldn't go tracking it down any further then that.
Lori Corrin purple at uwo.ca
Systems Programmer purple at hadrian.uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario purple at uwovax.bitnet
London, Ontario, Canada
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